Today In Books

15 Frequently DNF’d Popular Books: Today In Books

15 Frequently DNF’d Popular Books

Wondering if it was just you? Or want a reading challenge? Here are 15 books you certainly know the titles of–or at least the authors–that get started and abandoned most often. I was expecting the list to be all classics but there are some surprising books on that list!

Jenny Slate Announces One-Time Show

If you’ve been eagerly anticipating Jenny Slate’s upcoming book Little Weirds (*raises hand*), she just announced a one-time show for the book launch! Learn more about her Nov 5th show at The Town Hall here and you can check out her tweet here.

A Look At Publishing’s Regrettable Rejections

Toby Faber, grandson of the 1944 director of Faber and Faber who rejected George Orwell’s Animal Farm, is now recommending that Faber publish the novel (when it comes out of copyright) with a new edition, including its rejection letter. It’s Monday, find encouragement in these other novels that had to hurdle rejections before finding their place in the world.