Today In Books

MY LOVELY WIFE in Development with Amazon Studios: Today in Books

Amazon Studios Acquires For Nicole Kidman’s Blossom Films Samantha Downing’s Bestseller My Lovely Wife

Good news for fans of My Lovely Wife by Samantha Downing–Amazon Studios is developing the project, in partnership with Nicole Kidman’s production company! The book is about a married couple who seem perfectly average–except that they are secret serial killers by night. No word yet on whether or not Kidman plans on playing the suburban mom/secret serial killer, but the adaptation is sure to be winner with fans of Big Little Lies.

Three New Ojibwe-Language Books Will Tell The Stories Of Tribal Elders In Their Own Words

Fewer than 500 people speak Ojibwe, but a new project from the Mille Lacs Band and Minnesota Historical Society Press is hoping to preserve the language and stories. By speaking extensively with elders, transcribers were able to record stories, wisdom, and fiction, which will be illustrated and published this fall. No English translation will be made available (which is the point of the project), which “affirms the validity of the Ojibwe language apart from its relationship to colonial languages.”

Podcast Playlist: Hillary Clinton To Launch New Show, Audible Casts Dakota Fanning

Buried beneath the news that Hillary Clinton is launching a new podcast–Dakota Fanning is going to be narrating the audiobook of Chosen Ones, Veronica Roth’s new novel and her first book for adults. The book is about a group of five teens who defeated a great evil, and are still dealing with the fallout ten years later. It’s the first time Dakota Fanning has narrated an audiobook, although her younger sister Elle narrated the first five The Babysitter’s Club audiobooks, which released last year. The audiobook will be available exclusively on Audible.