Today In Books

[CORRECTED] Poet Freed From Prison Refuses To Be Silenced: Today In Books

Editor’s Note: Apologies to those of you who received a test email from us; it was sent in error. Here’s actual news from the book world.


Poet Freed From Prison Refuses To Be Silenced

Poet Stella Nyanzi spent 16 months in Uganda’s Luzira prison for a poem on Facebook about Yoweri Museveni’s (Uganda’s president) mother’s vagina. No, that was not Mad Libs and no Nyanzi’s time in prison did not work to silence her. Now released she discusses the poems she wrote while incarcerated, including the poetry collection she released while in prison.

Keep Book Clubbing

If you’re social distancing and missing your book club time, there are ways to still social distance and meet your book club. Online, baby! With some tweaks y’all can be arguing or agreeing over how much you loved your last read. Here’s some tips to become a digital book club.


The animated fantasy epic She-Ra and the Princess of Power has had a fantastic four seasons on Netflix so far and now we’ve learned, through showrunner Noelle Stevenson, that the fifth season will be its last. While it’s always sad to see a great thing end, it was always designed and written to have five seasons and we’ll soon have an awesome completed story to rewatch a billion times. I will definitely be dropping everything on May 15 for the final season.