Today In Books

Mass Market Paperbacks Are Growing–In Size: Today In Books

Mass Market Paperbacks Are Growing–In Size

Kensington Publishing is taking a crack at helping declining mass paperback sales by tweaking their size. Currently mass paperbacks are 4.125 by 6.75 inches and priced around $7.99 to $8.99. Kensington’s new size and price will be 4.75 by 7 inches and $8.99 to $9.99. It may not seem like a big size jump, but it will allow for wider margins and fonts that will be more legible creating a more comfortable reading experience for readers who find the current size too small.

The Kind Of Records You Don’t Want To Break

Last year, book banning attempts in U.S. libraries rose 17%, with 566 books targeted for removal. Before same-sex marriage was legalized in the U.S. in 2015, ALA’s top 10 banned books list never had more than 20% of books with LGBTQ characters. It has now risen to 80%. “When LGBTQ stories are silenced in this way, LGBTQ youth and children from LGBTQ families get the message that their own stories – their very lives – do not have value, that they are shameful.” It’s always a great time to support targeted books: And Tango Makes Three; Prince & Knight; George; A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo.

Data On Quarantine Reading

If you’re wondering how the current state of the world is affecting reading habits here’s a roundup of some data! A UK report found that 31% of Brits stated they’re reading more during quarantine and NPD BookScan reported a 777% increase in the U.S regarding online book sales in the beginning of April. If you’re wondering what people are reading and buying most, that’s also listed, including jumps in sales for quilting and sewing books.