Book Radar

The Trailer for Jordan Peele’s LOVECRAFT COUNTRY and More Book Radar!

Hello, readers, welcome to another Monday! Thank you to Jamie for filling in on Thursday while I dealt with some things at home. It was a weird feeling to have unexpected life emergencies happen at home with everything going on in the world. But everything is better here now, thank goodness. I have some book news for you today, and a cat picture, of course. But before I get to that I want to say two things in case there was any question about where I stand: 1. Black Lives Matter. 2. I will no longer include any news pertaining to JK Rowling in this newsletter for as long as I write it.

Whatever you are doing or watching or reading this week, I am sending you virtual hugs. Please be safe, and remember to wear a mask and wash your hands. And please be mindful of others. It takes no effort to be kind. I’ll see you again on Thursday. – xoxo, Liberty

Here’s Monday’s trivia question:  Who was the first American writer to earn one million dollars? (Scroll to the bottom for the answer.)

Deals, Reels, and Squeals! 

lovecraft countryHere’s the trailer for Lovecraft Country, coming to HBO.

Here are 45 upcoming books by Black authors you can preorder now. And a list of Black-owned bookstores you can preorder them from.

Here are the 2020 Eisner Awards nominations.

Here’s a look at Simon Stephenson’s Set My Heart To Five, which hasn’t been released yet, but is already being adapted.

Here are 14 summer queer books for your June TBR.

Book Riot Recommends 

At Book Riot, I work on the New Books! email, the All the Books! podcast about new releases, and the Book Riot Insiders New Release Index. I am very fortunate to get to read a lot of upcoming titles, and learn about a lot of upcoming titles, and I’m delighted to share a couple with you each week so you can add them to your TBR!

Excited to read:

Secret Santa: A Horror for the Holidays Novel by Andrew Shaffer (Quirk Books, November 10)

Shaffer has written a lot of great, quirky stuff, like a Fifty Shades of Grey spoof, A Sharknado companion book, and Obama-Biden buddy mysteries. Now, he’s throwing his hat into the horror ring with an upcoming book about a horror editor at a publishing house in the 1980s. After she receives a gnome doll at the holiday party, people around her begin to die under strange circumstances, leading her to suspect her gnome doll may be a demonic elf on the shelf.

What I’m reading this week:

White Tears/Brown Scars: How White Feminism Betrays Women of Color by Ruby Hamad

The Unraveling of Cassidy Holmes by Elissa R. Sloan

The Lightness by Emily Temple

Wendy, Master of Art by Walter Scott

Hench by Natalie Zina Walschots

Pun of the week: 

A man sued an airline company after it lost his luggage. Sadly, he lost his case.

Here’s a cat picture:

True story.

Happy things:

Here are a few things I enjoy that I thought you might like as well:

Trivia answer: Jack London.

You made it to the bottom! Thanks for reading! – xo, L