Today In Books

Year Long Fellowship To Study Octavia Butler’s Work: Today In Books

Year Long Fellowship To Study Octavia Butler’s Work

A researcher with a doctoral degree (a requirement) will get access to Octavia Butler’s work, located in San Marino California’s Huntington Library, as part of a $50,000, year long fellowship, the Octavia E. Butler Fellowship. “The Butler archive is the most popular collection scholars request in the library’s reading room.”

Onus Of Fact Checking Nonfiction Left To Author

Emma Copley Eisenberg, author of The Third Rainbow Girl: The Long Life of a Double Murder in Appalachia, takes readers behind the publishing curtain of how nonfiction titles are (mostly not) fact checked. The process is in most cases left to the author, which is quite different from articles that go through a much more extensive fact-checking process when published in magazines and newspapers. Here are some of the whys.

Passages Author Gail Sheehy Has Passed Away

Pop sociologist, author, and journalist Gail Sheehy–who wrote the hit Passages: Predictable Crises of Adult Life in the ’70s–has passed away at age 83. Read more about her life, books, and psychological portraits of public figures.

16 Wonderful #OwnVoices YA Books About Disability

Find a great read among these OwnVoices YA books about disability, including Even If We Break by Marieke Nijkamp. Support these works to show publishing the need for representation.