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For centuries, witches have maintained the climate, but now their control is faltering as the atmosphere becomes more erratic. All hope lies with an Everwitch named Clara. In Autumn, Clara wants nothing to do with her power; the price―losing the ones she loves―is too high. In Winter, storms rage, and Clara accepts that she’s the only one who can make a difference. In Spring, Clara falls for Sang. As her magic grows, she’s terrified she’ll lose him. In Summer, Clara must choose between her duty and the people she loves…before she loses Sang, her magic, and thrusts the world into chaos.
Happy Tuesday, shipmates! It’s Alex, with a weekly selection of new releases and some links for you to check out. It is solidly summer here, which is to say it’s freaking hot out. The squirrels are practically melting on my porch. It’s also an appropriate time of year for the movie version of In the Heights to come out, and I can’t recommend it enough if you’re in a place where it’s safe to go to the movies. (Lin Manuel Miranda has a minor part in it as the shaved ice man and that alone is delightful.) Stay safe out there, space pirates, and I will see you on Friday!
Thing that made me smile: This amazing Astronomy Picture of the Day
Let’s make the world a better place, together. Here’s somewhere to start: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/ and anti-asianviolenceresources.carrd.co
New Releases

The Tangleroot Palace by Marjorie Liu
The debut short fiction collection from the author of Monstress, filled with dark magic and dangerous women. Stories of witches, body-stealing sorceresses, bodyguards, mystical warriors, and princesses in stories of love and revenge. The collection is made of short stories and a full-length novella.
The World Gives Way by Marissa Levien
Myrra is a contract worker who was born into servitude, her labor owed to whoever is the highest bidder when her contract comes up. In fifty years, she’ll be free; in the meantime, she works. But when the family that most recently bought her contract is found dead, she gets her freedom early in the most technical sense–but she must take their orphaned daughter and run from the terrible secret that killed them.

Blood Like Magic by Liselle Sambury
Voya has waited years for her Calling, the trial she must pass as a witch to come into her power, and when her time comes the unthinkable happens–she fails. Then an ancestor of hers offers an unprecedented second chance at the Calling…but the price this time will be sacrificing her first love, and if she fails her entire family will lose their magic.
The Ice Lion by Kathleen O’Neal Gear
Earth 1000 years from now is covered with miles-thick glaciers, its oceans buried in green slime, all of these the results of attempts to ameliorate climate change gone wrong. The humans who saw the disaster coming tried to save Earth by recreating the species that dominated the previous ice ages. Their descendants try to survive in this impossibly hostile place, surrounded by the remnants of a civilization they’ve long forgotten–including the last true god, a quantum computer.

The Colours of Death by Patricia Marques
A small percentage of the population in Lisbon are found to be “Gifted,” meaning they have powers beyond the ordinary, ones that invite stigma and suspicion. When a man is found dead on a train, killed by being repeatedly thrown against the glass, a bizarre suicide may actually be a murder. It’s up to a Gifted inspector to solve this case.
Beyond by Mercedes Lackey
Duke Kordas Valdemar rules a small duchy in the Eastern Empire, but he knows that the peaceful existence for him and his people will not last for long. He quietly begins gathering magicians against the day that he and his people might have to escape the empire’s tyranny as the emperor’s own mages delve more deeply into blood magic and Abyssal deals. One of Valdemar’s mages figures out how to gate his people away–just in time for the duke to be summoned to the capital, where he will have to put on the performance of his life while he buys time for his people to flee.
News and Views
5-star books in 5 words for Pride Month
This is fascinating and cool: The Show Is Fake. The Fandom Is Real.
Five SFF characters you should never, ever date
Shadow and Bone will be getting a second season
Sex is great, but have you ever seen your real-life relationship depicted in fiction
Falcon and the Winter Soldier’s Anthony Mackie and Carl Lumbly discuss the impact of Isaiah Bradley
Season 2 teaser for The Witcher and some other news about it…
What makes quantum computing so hard to explain?
On Book Riot
You have until June 16 to enter to win Amber & Clay by Laura Amy Schlitz (US and Canada only).
This month you can enter to win a 1-year subscription to Audible, a Kindle Paperwhite, your own library cart, a $250 gift card to Powell’s Books, an iPad Mini, and a summer reading prize pack.
See you, space pirates. If you’d like to know more about my secret plans to dominate the seas and skies, you can catch me over at my personal site.