Book Riot is teaming up with The NOVL to give away a personal reading retreat prize pack! One lucky winner will receive a grand prize of the following:
– $200 gift card to Hotels.com
-$25 gift card to Starbucks
-The Hawthorne Legacy by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
-Indivisible by Daniel Aleman
-Maybe We’re Electric by Val Emmich
-Our Way Back to Always by Nina Moreno
-Sway with Me by Syed M. Masood
Enter here for a chance to win!
Here’s a bit more about The NOVL: Join NOVL Nation for YA exclusive sneak peeks, monthly book box giveaways, the NOVLtea talk show, and access to FREE advance copies! Brought to you by @LittleBrownYR and home to Twilight, Kingdom of the Wicked, The Inheritance Games, Folk of the Air, and your other favorite book boyfriends, @thenovl is a community of YA fans who like their worlds fantastic, their points of view diverse, and their love triangles spicy.