Happy Friday, shipmates! It’s Alex, here with a look at some award-nominated books from New Zealand to take you through into the weekend. In celebration of New Zealand, I will share with you one of my favorite treat recipes from there: Lolly Cake. I’m still upset about how good it actually is–I made one in honor of WorldCon New Zealand two years ago, and it was no mean feet because I had to make my own malt biscuits. So have a slice of lolly cake (it really is good, I promise) and enjoy your weekend! Stay safe out there, space pirates, and I’ll see you on Tuesday for the start of May!
Let’s make the world a better place, together. Here’s somewhere to start: NDN Collective and Jane’s Due Process
News and Views
Nigerian Author Suyi Davies Okungbowa Endows Fellowship for Emerging African Authors
Actor Michelle Yeoh wants to change the way we think of superheroes
Doctor Strange and the historical roots of the multiverse
BUT WHY. Wicked is being split into two movies??
Mind Meld: Best Game or Interactive Fiction
NASA Astronaut Jessica Watkins Sets Historic Milestone
On Book Riot
The Best Fantasy Books You’ve Never Heard Of
10 of the Most F*cked Up Books We’ve Ever Read
12 Awesome Star Wars Cross-Stitch Pattern For Your Next Embroidery Project
A Reflection on Batman Actors Represented on the Screen Throughout the Years
Knight in Stolen Armor: Moon Knight and Other Heroes Who Got Their Powers Illegally
This week’s SFF Yeah! Podcast is about SFF work-place romances
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Free Association Friday: Sir Julius Vogel Award Novel Finalists
I have a massive amount of affection for the Sir Julius Vogel Awards, which I will shamefacedly admit I only learned about when WorldCon was held in New Zealand two years ago. But this is a place to showcase awesome New Zealand SFF, which doesn’t cross over to the US nearly often enough. So as promised, this week we’ll take a look at the novel category, and over the next couple of weeks we’ll focus on other categories. As a note, the list isn’t as diverse as we normally aim for.

A Force of Nature by Janna Ruth
For millennia, nature spirits have caused massive destruction throughout the world with storms and other disasters. Rika has lived on the streets for eight years and is one of the few people in the world who can see these spirits. She’s maintained a truce with them, but then a powerful storm sprite named Erlking attacks Berlin and she finds herself drawn into the Spirit Seekers, an elite force that battles the spirits.

Silent Sorrow by Russell Kirkpatrick
Remezov is the best earthquake predictor in the world; he’s the youngest inductee the powerful Guild of Geographers has chosen in decades. But as he travels to the city of Hanemark to receive this honor, he finds the diary of a dead scientist, which warns of a coming invasion and explains some otherwise quite inexplicable recent occurrences. Remezov must decide if he will hand the diary over and face possible accusations of being the murderer… or keep it and try to use it to add to his fame.

Gateway to Dark Stars by Kate Haley
Alongside the societal sins of bootleg gin and jazz, black magic is having a major comeback, much to the delight of Doctor Vincent Temple, who makes his living dealing with demons and cultists who trouble others. With even the Mafia finding themselves subject to magical issues, Vincent is happy to take the case because money is money. But it turns out the cult the dons are clashing with has a personal connection to Vincent–maybe too personal.

Foxhunt by Rem Wigmore
In a future where plants have saved us from a poisoned atmosphere and resource hoarders are the favorite marks of bounty hunters, Orfeus has relatively small goals–she just wants to be a traveling musician, though fame and adoration would be a nice bonus. Despite the fact that she’s never done anything wrong, she finds herself pursued by the Wolf, the most feared bounty hunter of the Vengeful Wild–and even as she tries to escape her hunter, there are greater monsters waiting for her on the road.

Butcherbird by Cassie Hart
After Jena’s mother, father, and siblings were killed in a barn fire, her grandmother, Rose, banished her from the farm. Twenty years later, Rose is dying and it’s Jena’s last chance to find out what really happened the night of the fire. Rose’s live-in caregiver, Will, is a hunter of the supernatural, and he has his own questions. There’s something dark lurking on the homestead, and as Will and Jena search for answers, they unwittingly release a far darker evil into the world.

The King of Faerie by A.J. Lancaster
There has been no marriage between mortal and faerie since the Iron Law was revoked… until now. Maybe. If Hetta and Wyn actually manage to have their wedding. They’ve received permission from the mortal queen, but now they need the blessing of the fae high king. Hetta and Wyn both have deeply personal reasons for wanting to get hitched as quickly as possible… but what are personal desires next to politics and haywire magic?
See you, space pirates. If you’d like to know more about my secret plans to dominate the seas and skies, you can catch me over at my personal site.