Hello, Epic folks! It’s been a rough few days in the world — sending everyone all the good vibes for balance in rest, restoration, and action.
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What Are You Reading?
Hellloooooooo everyone. I am having the weirdest time again trying to finish things. I honestly don’t know what’s up — probably related to :waves hands at everything in the world:? So we’re going to talk about the one book I’ve read, that I actually finished, that wasn’t required reading for a podcast, and then some … wait for it … TV.

I inhaled Alisha Rai’s newest romance, Partners in Crime, which from where I’m sitting is whole new territory for her! It’s a heist-kidnapping-caper-thriller-style second-chance romance, and because it’s so heavy on the action (KIDNAPPING I SAY), it’s lighter on the angst than I’m used to from her characters. Which will be good news to some and less good news to others (I know I’m not alone in loving the angst) but regardless, it is a blast. Loved the characters, was VERY into the plot, am really hoping this is gonna be a series. I love it when an author branches into a new sub-genre and surprises me!
And then there’s my TV diet, which is what’s getting me through right now. My beloved So You Think You Can Dance is back and I am high-key obsessed with this number featuring Alexis and Keaton (I watched it four times in a row and then several more times since). Also I am predicting right now that either Alexis or Essence wins, you heard it here first! (I’m never right about these things.) American Ninja Warrior is also back and I could not be more excited to see Najee Richardson repping for Philly. And then my partner and I have fallen into the weird world of We Are The Champions on Netflix. Competitive cheese-rolling, hair-styling, and yo-yo-ing? Put it in my eyeballs.
What are you reading (or watching)? Click through to comment!