Hello Epic Insiders, and happy July! While patriotism is a complicated thing for a lot of us right now, as a gardener I did enjoy learning that many of the different kinds of fireworks are named for flowers.
No announcements today, just book chat!
What Are You Reading?
Welcome to the mid-point of 2022! I hope even if this year hasn’t or isn’t going as you hoped–it sure isn’t for me–that at least you’re doing some good reading.

Right now, I’m blowing through Vincent Tirado’s Burn Down, Rise Up, a Sapphic YA horror novel pitched as Stranger Things meets Get Out. I don’t get the Stranger Things vibe, but I do get the Get Out vibes as it’s a social horror novel and I cannot put it down.
In audio, I’m working my way very slowly through Written In Bone: Hidden Stories in What We Leave Behind by Sue Black. Black performs the audio and has a really thick British accent, which for me, means I need to take it really slow because it’s not as easy to consume. That’s not a bad thing!
I am gearing up to begin my fifth class in my second master’s program this month, and so I’ll also be reading a lot about ethics in mental health counseling. In between that and the above, I’m also reading piles of board books with my kiddo. Among her favorites right now are Katrine Crow’s “Who’s Is It?” series featuring animal feet, scales, noses, and more, as well as Curious Critters: Illinois.
What’re you reading? It was a long weekend here in the US, so I used the extra day off to read. Click through to add your reading list to the comments!
— Kelly Jensen