Hi Kid Lit Friends!
I had a chance to explore the newly renovated Mid-Manhattan Library in New York City the other day, now known as the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Library. It is beautiful! Downstairs from the lobby is a huge children’s and teens’ area, and on the top floor is a wonderful rooftop terrace where you can sit outside and read and look out at the city. It’s a lovely place. Do you have a favorite library?
Bookish Goods

Corgi Bookends by WeLoveCorgis
You probably all know I love my little corgi Lalo, so I’m a sucker for any corgi memorabilia. These bookends are so cute! $30
New Releases

Patch of Sky by Nic Yulo
This adorable book is about a pair of friends. When Pia finds out that her best friend Patches can’t see the sky because his neck just isn’t made for looking up, she is determined to make sure Patches doesn’t live out his life never seeing the sky that Pia herself loves so much.

Just Like Jesse Owens by Andrew Young as told to Paula Young Shelton, illustrated by Gordon C. James
When Ambassador Andrew Young was a child, he learned that a local chapter of the Nazi party was instigating unrest in their hometown of New Orleans in the 1930s. In response, Andrew’s dad took his family to the local movie house to see Jesse Owens winning the Olympic gold, and that image would be a guiding light for Andrew the rest of his life.
For a more comprehensive list, check out our New Books newsletter.
Riot Recommendations
You probably all know that I love animals, and I’m always very happy when I see a beautiful animal picture book come across my desk. Here are some really lovely ones!

Animal Architects by Amy Cherrix, illustrated by Chris Sasaki
I think this book is clever in how it thinks about animals as architects who are constantly designing and modifying their environments to suit their needs. Chris Sasaki is one of my favorite illustrators, and I love how he depicts various animals and their habitats.

Big Cats (A Day in the Life) by Tyus D. Williams, illustrated by Chaaya Prabhat
Wildlife expert Tyus D. Williams shares his knowledge about the biggest cats on earth in this book that is illustrated beautifully by Chaaya Prabhat.

Packs by Hannah Salyer
This poetic book celebrates animals who live and travel in packs and explores how togetherness helps many creatures thrive. The illustrations are stunning!

Bright Star by Yuyi Morales
This beautiful book by award winning author illustrator Yuyi Morales follows the journey of a fawn who is exploring the world in all its beauty and dangers.
What are you reading these days?
Let me know! Find me on Twitter at @KarinaYanGlaser, on Instagram at @KarinaIsReadingAndWriting, or email me at KarinaBookRiot@gmail.com.
Until next time,
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