Don’t have a Kindle Oasis? You could! Fill out this form to enter to win! Book Riot is teaming up with Bonne Maman to give away one grand prize pack that includes:
- Kindle Oasis
- One-year Unlimited Access to Scribd network
- Ultimate Bonne Maman Herbal Tea package of all Bonne Maman box teas, loose Leaf Herbal Tea Tin Gift Set, and a Perfect Moments Tea Set with spoon & brewing cup
Here’s a bit more about Bonne Maman: Bonne MamanⓇ, makers of your favorite premium preserves and jellies, are celebrating NEW Bonne Maman Herbal Tea, available in five distinct blends tailored for special moments throughout the day—like curling up with a really good book. Find a flavor to match your current read at and other retailer outlets.