Do you listen to music as you read? I sometimes do. I definitely listen as I work: as I write this, I’ve got some Studio Ghibli soundtrack music in the background. Put on your favorite song as you scroll through this newsletter!
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Bookish Goods

Superhero Bookmark by FireflyTango
These personalizable, comics-themed bookmarks are perfect for the nerdy reader. I especially like the one with the narration boxes! $6
New Releases

At 30, I Realized I Had No Gender by Shou Arai
Some people know who they are from a young age. And some, like Arai, take a lot longer — and that’s okay! With no guides or role models, Arai had to figure out for themself how to live and grow old in a world that is obsessed with stereotypical gender roles. And now they’re sharing what they’ve learned with the world.

Parallel by Matthias Lehmann
Karl’s worst nightmare was ending up alone. Now, as a newly-retired old man, the worst has happened: a lifetime of having to cover up his sexuality and play at being straight has cost him his beloved daughter, who hasn’t spoken to him in eight years. As Karl decides whether or not to reach out to her, he looks back on a life filled with secrets, pain, denial, betrayal, and, occasionally, love.
For a more comprehensive list of new releases, check out our New Books newsletter!
Riot Recommendations
Today’s Riot Rec theme is: music! Maybe comics can’t play music for you, but they can still show us music’s power. Since tomorrow is World Music Day, now is the perfect time to read comics like…

Heavy Vinyl: Riot on the Radio by Carly Usdin and Nina Vakueva
Chris was happy enough getting a job at Vinyl Mayhem, her favorite music store, when she thought that all they did was sell records. But when a popular singer disappears, Chris learns that her coworkers are also vigilantes willing to fight for their beliefs and the rights of others!

Those Snow White Notes Volume One by Marimo Ragawa
Music can help people through the grieving process, but for Setsu, the opposite happens: after his grandfather’s death, he finds he can’t play a note. A trip to Tokyo might be what he needs to regain his creative energy, especially after he meets a young woman with artistic dreams of her own. Who knows how far they can go together?
Now go sing along to your favorite song and enjoy the rest of your day, nerd friends!