Hey there, all you kings, queens, and other royals, how are you holding up? It sure has been a Pride Month to remember! Now prithee venture forth, gentle reader, and use thine royal power for the good of all.
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Bookish Goods

Deadpool Vinyl Record Clock by AntanasCrafts
What time is it? Time to check this slightly naughty Deadpool vinyl wall clock! $40
New Releases

Minami’s Lover by Shungiku Uchida
In this classic adults-only manga, Minami and Chiyomi are an ordinary high school couple…until Chiyomi inexplicably shrinks down to six inches tall! She moves in with Minami, who helps her relearn how to live, even as he himself falls under suspicion for her “disappearance.”

Nuking Alaska: Notes of an Atomic Fugitive by Peter Dunlap-Shohl
Dunlap-Shohl grew up with nuclear weapons almost literally in his backyard, in the Alaskan wilderness. This darkly funny memoir explores the consequences and hazards of maintaining a nuclear arsenal, and especially how it affects both people and the environment.
For a more comprehensive list of new releases, check out our New Books newsletter!
Riot Recommendations
Today’s Riot Rec theme is: royalty! Let’s face it: there’s no better month to celebrate royalty than Pride Month.

Cursed Princess Club Volume One by Lambcat
Gwendolyn’s sisters couldn’t be more princess-like, but Gwendolyn herself doesn’t fit the mold and — according to her betrothed — is just plain “ugly.” After running away from home, Gwendolyn realizes there are other “cursed princesses” out there, and that maybe they are all just fine the way they are!

Shuna’s Journey by Hayao Miyazaki
From the celebrated mind of Hayao Miyazaki comes this new tale of sacrifice and adventure! Prince Shuna’s land seems doomed to famine and poverty until a mysterious stranger shows him the seeds of a golden grain that grows in the west. Determined to save his people, Shuna ventures westward, little suspecting the extraordinary — and dangerous — people he will meet along the way.
In closing: Eid Mubarak to everyone celebrating Eid al-Adha tomorrow! However and wherever you are celebrating, I hope you have a wonderful time.