Solstice is upon us, which means it gets dark really early these days, but don’t worry: just switch on the light and keep on reading those comics!
Related: we have a new paperback level at TBR! If you (or a reader you know) are just over-carrying around bulky hardcovers or are looking for a more budget-friendly option, we’ve got you. Check out all the offerings at, and give personalized reading recommendations customized for any and every reader.
Bookish Goods

Deadpool 20 oz Skinny Tumbler by TranquilTreasures101
Getting your mouth that close to the real Merc with a Mouth is probably unsanitary, but this tumbler should be safe, and it looks great besides! $30
New Releases

The Great Yokai War: Guardians Volume One by Yusuke Watanabe and Sanami Suzuki
The Yokai are Japan’s guardian spirits, but even they can do nothing against the invading kaiju. Instead, they turn to Kei, a descendant of a successful monster hunter, to save the day. If you enjoyed the movie of the same name, you’ll probably get a kick out of this manga, too!

Dark Knights of Steel Volume Two by Tom Taylor and Yasmine Putri
It’s the DC universe, but not the one you know! On an alternate Earth, set in medieval times, the arrival of a mysterious spaceship (betcha can’t guess whose) spells trouble for three kingdoms. Our heroes will have to fight (with swords!) for their lives and their beliefs in this continuation of an exciting Elseworlds story.
For a more comprehensive list of new releases, check out our New Books newsletter!
Riot Recommendations
Today’s Riot Rec theme is: ice skating! Winter will officially be upon us starting tomorrow. In other words, it’s the perfect time to do, or at least read about, a little skating.

Knight of the Ice Volume One by Yayoi Ogawa
Kokoro is one of the most successful figure skaters in the world…but only because his best friend Chitose always recites a spell from his favorite anime to help him focus before each competition! Everything is going fine until Chitose’s career takes her out of town right before a big event. Can Kokoro perform without her presence and support?

Spinning by Tillie Walden
What do you do when you realize that the one driving passion of your life isn’t really what you want to be doing? That is the question Walden had to grapple with when, after a decade of competitive figure skating, she discovered that there were other places where she might fit in better. Making the switch was difficult but, in the long run, right for her.

I leave you with this picture of my dog Poppy all cuddled up and waiting for Santa Paws. Have a great Christmas, a great Festivus, a great solstice, and/or a great week!