Today In Books

DC Villains & Heroes As Luchadores: Today In Books

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I Want Them All!

DC Collectibles has two new lines being unveiled this weekend for American International Toy Fair in New York and one of them is DC ¡Lucha Explosiva! It’s reimagined the DC villains and superheroes as Luchadores “complete with a revised backstory informed by Mexican history and culture.” Check out the awesome figures here.

It’s Like A Feminist Book Fairy Is Lose In London!

@feministpoetsociety has left 200 hidden postcards around London that have a different feminist poem written on it. You can check out the postcards found so far here and follow the hashtag–or if you’re in London go on a poetry scavenger hunt!

Author Robin DiAngelo Gets Second Book Deal

White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo became Beacon Press’s fastest-selling book so it’s not surprising that they’ve acquired a second book from DiAngelo. It’s still untitled–has a lot to live up to after the first–but we do know that the “new book will look at the ways in which white people form alliances with one another, and the need for them to break those alliances in order to support racial equality.