Today In Books

Wizarding Words Accepted In New Scrabble Edition: Today In Books

This edition of Today in Books is sponsored by James Patterson’s latest thriller, The Chef.

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Yes, You Can Play ‘Accio’

Also, names of characters, actors, places, spells–any word coined in Harry Potter is accepted in the spring releasing Harry Potter Scrabble edition. Fun! Check out more rules and where you can purchase here.

Gender Debate Sparked By Upcoming Dr. James Barry Book

EJ Levy announced a forthcoming book about Dr. James Barry, described as “the pioneering Victorian who adopted a male persona to become the UK’s first female-born doctor.” Levy’s announcement used the pronouns “she/her” which received responses from many explaining that it is disrespectful to abhorrent to not use he/him.

Netflix And Marvel Finito

At least, all the shows have now been cancelled. The Punisher will not have a third season, and while Jessica Jones had previously been renewed for a third season it will now officially be its last. While we may see these characters in the future on the Disney+ streaming service, it’ll be at least a couple years since the original contract between Netflix and Marvel “included a clause that keeps the characters from appearing in any non-Netflix series (or film) for at least two years after cancellation.”