Today In Books

Lots Happening Over At DC: Today In Books

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Lots Happening Over At DC

…and we don’t just mean the District of Columbia where ALA conference attendees are currently having the best time. No, we’re talking about Detective Comics, where groundbreaking imprint Vertigo is no more. Imprints Ink and Zoom have also been shuttered in a surprise consolidation plan. But a day later, at the aforementioned librarian summit, DC announced a slew of new titles. We’ll keep you posted?

Book Critical Of Mass Incarceration Un-Banned In Prisons

Arizona corrections officials had prohibited prisoners from reading Chokehold: Policing Black Men by former federal prosecutor Paul Butler. That ban has now been reversed.

This Is Fantastic (And Tampon Taxes Are Not)

So in Germany, tampons and other sanitary products are taxed at a rate of 19%. The justification? They’re luxury goods. Meanwhile, books are taxed at a rate of 7%. Founders of a sanitary product company looked at this situation and decided to publish a book…containing tampons.