Today In Books

The History Of The Statue Of Liberty Poem: Today In Books

The History Of The Statue Of Liberty Poem

While many misinterpret Emma Lazarus’ poem to change the meaning of “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” to fit their political agenda Slate spoke with Esther Schor, the author of the biography Emma Lazarus (Jewish Encounters Series) to get the history of the poem. You can read all about it here.

To All The Boys Sequel Release Date

We finally have a premiere date for the sequel movie to the adaptation of Jenny Han’s To All The Boy’s I’ve Loved Before! To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You will hit Netflix streaming screens on February 12th, just in time for Valentines Day. You can watch the adorable announcement here–plus, surprise the third film is in production!

Mom’s Need For Indian Bedtime Stories Launches Business

Akruti Babaria was having a hard time finding stories for her baby like the ones she’d grown up with in India. The slim pickings she did find were never what she wanted and so she traveled to India to collect books for her own little library. But what started as a library for her son has grown into a business, Kulture Khazana, which distributes Indian cultural books geared toward newborn to middle school children. Read all about it here.