Today In Books

Prince Harry Celebrates Thomas the Tank Engine: Today In Books

Prince Harry Celebrates Thomas the Tank Engine

Prince Harry, who on his first day of nursery school had a Thomas the Tank Engine bag, is celebrating the 75th anniversary of the children’s book by Rev. W. Awdry with a recorded message introducing a new animated Netflix series Thomas and Friends: The Royal Engine. You can watch the new show, and the animated royal family, on May 1st.

You Can’t Buy Magazines There Anymore

While Barnes & Noble has shuttered the majority of their 600 bookstores in the pandemic, that isn’t the only change: they will no longer buy and sell new magazines. For readers who purchased their single magazine issues from the bookstore they’ll have to hop on over to stores like Target, Walmart, and grocery stores, but this could hurt small publishers who rely on that B&N sale.

Support Lambda Literary

The organization behind the Lambda Literary Awards, who nurtures and advocates for LGBTQ writers, needs help: “For the first time in our history, we cancelled the annual Lambda Literary Awards ceremony. We’ve also suspended our work that brings LGBTQ books and authors into schools and we’ve postponed numerous public gatherings.” In order to continue operating they’re asking for donations and are pretty close to their goal if you can and want to help.