Today In Books

NYPL’s Most Downloaded Books Right Now: Today In Books

NYPL’s Most Downloaded Books Right Now

I love seeing what other people are reading, so I always keep an eye out for when libraries, bookstores, etc. give some stats on what is being read the most right now. And if you’re wondering what New York Public Library books have been downloaded the most during quarantine, here are the top ten, with Deacon King Kong by James McBride coming in first. Place your bets now if Harry Potter is on the list!

How Are Virtual Author Events Going?

A big draw for bookstores and authors are author events where authors chat a bit, meet fans or potential fans, and, most importantly, sell some books. In the current world, with social distancing and most bookstores closed to the public, author events have moved to the virtual world. While it’s opening the door for more fans to “attend,” and drawing big audiences, is it still selling as many books?

More Works Digitized!

With the need for staying at home, it’s even more important and beneficial that libraries have been digitizing up a storm in recent years. The newest addition, thanks to a project collaborated by Columbia University, the Free Library of Philadelphia, Haverford College, the University of Pennsylvania, and Bryn Mawr College: 827 paintings and 500+ manuscripts from the Islamic world. Glimpse some beautiful pages!

Stephenie Meyer Announces New (Old) Book

Stephenie Meyer’s long-shelved Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer is coming to shelves in August, telling the story through the eyes of Edward the vampire.