Hi Kid Lit Friends,
Daffodils are one of my favorite flowers. I think it’s because they are one of the first spring flowers to emerge after a long winter, and their cheerful sunny centers are a bright spot of color in New York City. In the city, daffodils are everywhere: along the borders of parks, nestled in tree pits, and in the “Green Streets” — tiny patches of dirt amidst busy intersections. They are probably the reason I love running in the spring. I come across these bright patches of color on my runs and feel instantly cheered!
Bookish Goods

Customized Bookish Necklace by TlbCraftations
Have a favorite book? Are you going to a book launch and want to show support for your favorite author? Did your bestie/aunt/neighbor/childhood friend write a book, and you’re looking for a celebratory gift? These customized necklaces are perfect! $16
New Releases

Contenders: Two Native Baseball Players, One World Series by Traci Sorell, illustrated by Arigon Starr
In 1911, the World Series hosted two Native pro baseball players, John Meyers and Charles Bender, who played on opposing teams. In the years preceding, the media were intent on portraying them as rivals, but the two always had a mutual respect for each other and never gave up their dreams of playing ball professionally. By the end of their respective careers, they had collectively played in nine championships.

Special Delivery: A Book’s Journey Around the World by Polly Faber, illustrated by Klas Fahlen
How does a book actually become a book? In this informative story, track how a book gets printed, bound, and then shipped to various places all around the world. This is a perfect book for bibliophiles as well as readers who are fascinated about the inner workings of publishing.
For a more comprehensive list, check out our New Books newsletter.
Riot Recommendations
Earth Day is next weekend (on April 22), and this is a day that I know is special to so many young people who are concerned about our environment and committed to making sure we are preserving our natural spaces for future generations. Here are some wonderful books about protecting our world.

To Change a Planet by Christina Soontornvat, illustrated by Rahele Jomepour Bell (AOC)
This beautifully poetic book is wonderfully illustrated by Rahele Jomepour Bell and was recognized by the United Nations! With spare text and vivid art, we are called to come together to protect our resources.

We Are Water Protectors by Carole Lindstrom, illustrations by Michaela Goade
Winner of the Caldecott Medal, this stunning picture book is timely and powerful. Calling upon all of us to protect one of our most valuable resources: water. This book is an urgent rallying cry to stand as one against corruption and the greed that pollutes our waterways.

Severn Speaks Out by Severn Cullis-Suzuki, illustrations by Ana Suarez
I really enjoy this series of books that Groundwood publishes, all centered around young environmental and human rights activists. This one is Severn Cullis-Suzuki’s 1992 Earth Summit speech, which called on world leaders to make their actions reflect their words and to protect the Earth for generations to come.

Greta Thunberg by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara, illustrated by Anke Weckmann
In this great new series, Little People, Big Dreams, we learn about Greta Thunberg and her incredible work in Sweden and around the world to bring awareness to the climate crisis. From her daily sit-ins outside the Swedish Parliament to speaking out all around the world, Greta shows that young people have a lot to say about the world they are inheriting.

What are you reading these days?
Let me know! Find me on Twitter at @KarinaYanGlaser, on Instagram at @KarinaIsReadingAndWriting, or email me at KarinaBookRiot@gmail.com.
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Happy reading!
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