
Audiobooks 08/13

Hola Audiophiles! I am pleased to report that I have finished Araminta Hall’s latest release and did not have to chuck this book at a wall, tempted as I was at the end. It’s a messy book in a great and infuriating way and I’m excited to talk about it!

Ready? Let’s audio.

New Releases – August 13  (publisher descriptions in quotes)

By Force Alone by Lavie Tidhar, read by Ralph Lister – Take Arthurian legend, throw it in the blender, add some kerosene, and light a match, and you’ll maybe arrive at the wild subversiveness of Lavie Tidhar’s latest literary creation. No one, and I do mean no one, is likable in this version: the Knights of the Round Table are all out for themselves, Merlin is a butt face who feeds off conflict, and even the Lady of the Lake is a shady arms dealer. Yeah! You read that right! Woven into lot of violence and humor is a pretty searing critique of Brexit and that’s where this book hooked me. Make sure to read the afterword: it explains how and why Tidhar twisted this venerated story to point out the hypocrisy of nationalism.

Narrator Note: Ralph Lister most recently read Utopia Avenue by David Mitchell, I’ve heard lots of good things!

Veritas A Harvard Professor, a Con Man, and the Gospel of Jesus’s Wife, by Ariel Sabar, read by Robert Petkoff – Dr. Karen King was a venerated scholar and professor at Harvard’s Divinity School. She was THE deal in her field, which is why she made a big ol splash when she stood up at a conference near the Vatican to be all, “Okay so I have in my possession a fragment of papyrus in which Jesus refers to Mary Magdalene as his wife. Discuss!” The discovery was huge because it proved that Mary Magdalene wasn’t “just some prostitute” but Jesus’ literal life partner, shattering the idea of celibacy as a requirement for church leadership and condemning the exclusion of women in those roles. What follows next is a blend of supreme investigative journalism that reads like a detective novel as Ariel Sabar explores how Dr. King was duped against all odds and the scandal that ensued.

Narrator Note: If you loved the audiobook for Hollow Kingdom, then Robert Petkoff is your guy!

Sia Martinez and the Moonlit Beginning of Everything by Raquel Vasquez Gilliland, read by Inés del Castillo – An adventure with elements of magical realism based in Mexican American cosmology with a sex-positive storyline told from a young woman’s perspective? Oh I’m all over that! It’s been three years since Sia Martinez’ mom was deported thanks to a racist sheriff in her tiny Arizona town. Her mom tried to cross the Sonoran on foot to reunite with her family and went missing along the way, and it’s presumed that she died on that harrowing journey. Sia grieves her mother daily but has a special tradition every new moon wherein she drives into the desert to light candles for her. Imagine her surprise when a giant spaceship crashes in front of her during one of these special rituals, and that spaceship is carrying none other than her very alive mother.  (TW sexual and racial trauma, racist language)

Narrator Note: Inés del Castillo is doing a ton of audio work right now, too. You may recognize her from A Taste of Sage by Yaffa S. Santos or Catherine House by Elisabeth Thomas.

Latest Listens

cover image of Imperfect Women by Araminta HallImperfect Women is a ride, yo. At the beginning of the book, we know that the uber wealthy and stunningly gorgeous Nancy has gone missing. It’s not long before she’s found dead, leaving behind a husband, a teenaged daughter and her two best friends: Mary, a wife and mother to three children, and Eleanor, who remains single and whose job at a charity routinely takes her all over the world.

Nancy’s death is very quickly determined to be the result of foul play but the identity of her killer is unclear. As the search for answers ensues and motives for killing Nancy surface left and right, Eleanor and Mary realize they may not have known their friend as well as they thought they did, nor do they really know each other or themselves.

I’ll start off by saying that this thriller is, for me at least, way more about the whydunnit than the whodunnit. I was still going back and forth about the killer until pretty much the end and though I did eventually guess it, the juiciest bits of the book are the ones that dive into the secret lives of women: how a well-polished appearance can obfuscate dark truths and unhappiness, the ways in which women are silenced and gaslit by the very people who are supposed to uplift them, how society claims to venerate motherhood and childrearing yet utterly fails to support women both in the home and in the workspace. It asks that really uncomfortable question: how well can you ever really know a person? Dive into this book and get ready to contemplate lots of moral grey area as you learn more and more unsavory bits about each of the characters’ imperfect lives.

Of course there’s the narration and I give that a thumbs up, too. Helen Keeley very deftly portrayed each character with distinction and tonal variety and just has one of those pleasant English accents my basic self loves so much.

From the Internets

POPSUGAR rounded up celebrity memoir audiobooks narrated by the authors themselves. Several titles are sort of predictable (but still fabulous): Born A Crime, Becoming, Kitchen Confidential (*takes a moment to sob*), but I hope more people will pick up personal faves like Steve Martin’s Born Standing Up and Gabourey Sidibe’s This Is Just My Face.

From The Guardian: why the rise of audiobooks is a story worth telling. (Say it with me now, Audiophiles: “Duh!”) is killing it with these recent interviews: catch their convo with Silvia Moreno-Garcia and Stephen Graham Jones. Side note: these two wildly talented people have clearly conspired to prevent us from sleeping at night in 2020.

Over at the Riot

Bring on the drama! The family drama, that is.

What’s your audiobook speed? I have never ever been able to listen comfortably at anything above a 1.5 without feeling like I’m listening to Alvin and the Chipmunks (or las ardillitas if you grew up Mexican like me).

A little reinforcement of why audiobooks rock.

Thanks for hanging with me today! Shoot me an email at with with all things audiobook or find me on Twitter and the gram @buenosdiazsd. Sign up for the In The Club newsletter and catch me once a month on the All the Books podcast.

Stay bad & bookish, my friends.


Audiobooks 08/06

Hola Audiophiles! I am fresh off a quarantine sojourn by the beach and feel so revived! The salty beach air, bonfires on the sand, and cocktails in the sunshine were just what I needed to shake off some of the pandemic blues. In other good news, this week brings lots of books I’m really excited to talk about, so let’s dive on in.

Ready? Let’s audio.

New Releases – August 4  (publisher descriptions in quotes)

Auntie Poldi and the Handsome Antonio by Mario Giordano, read by Matt Addis (mystery) – I’ve described the titular Auntie Poldi as Sophia Petrillo if she were Polish and way more drunk. If you don’t know, now you know: that is glowing praise indeed. This relatively cozy series follows Auntie Poldi, who’s chosen to spend her retirement in Sicily in search of sun, romance, and a steady supply of wine. She just keeps on finding crimes to go sticking her nose in though, and this latest installment brings her into contact with both the mafia and her lying cheat of an ex-husband.

Narrator Note: Matt Addis has narrated the other books in this series and is just so pleasant to listen to!

lobizonaLobizona by Romina Garber, read by Sol Madariaga (YA fantasy) – This is the first in a new series that I am 18 different kinds of excited about! It infuses folklore (werewolves!!) in an immigration story and that is how you hook me. Manuela is undocumented and running from her father’s Argentine crime-family, so she’s kept a low profile and confined herself to a small Miami apartment. When her surrogate grandmother is attacked and her mother arrested by ICE, Manu goes searching for answers about her past with a mysterious “Z” emblem as her only clue. The search takes her to a secret world straight out of Argentine folklore where brujas and werewolves exist, and down a path that reveals the terrifying truth of Manu’s heritage. It’s not just her residency, but her very existence that is illegal.

Narrator Note: Sol Madariaga is a trilingual actress originally from Argentina and that makes me SO happy. The Argentine Spanish accent is so unique and I love getting to hear it spoken authentically!

The Death of Vivek Oji by Akwaeke Emezi, read by Yetide Badaki anf Chukwudi Iwuji (fiction) – In a town in southeastern Nigeria, a mother discovers her son’s Vivek’s body wrapped in colorful fabric at her doorstep. Vivek is a bit of an enigma to his family, a spirit that’s both gentle and mysterious. He suffers occasional blackouts and moments of disconnection, a condition that exacerbates as he enters adulthood. Vivek’s closest friend is Osita, “the worldly, high-spirited cousin whose teasing confidence masks a guarded private life. As their relationship deepens—and Osita struggles to understand Vivek’s escalating crisis—the mystery gives way to a heart-stopping act of violence in a moment of exhilarating freedom.” This is the latest from the author of Pet, a book much loved around these parts.

Narrator Note: This duo! Chukwudi Iwuji has read both The Fishermen and An Orchestra of Minorities by Chigozie Obioma, and you may recognize Yetide Badaki from Nnedi Okorafor’s Akata Witch series.

cover image of Imperfect Women by Araminta HallImperfect Women by Araminta Hall, read by Helen Keeley (mystery/thriller) – I somehow missed that Araminta Hall had a new book coming this year! I am a huge fan of Our Kind of Cruelty, her polarizing thriller from a couple of years ago that I 100% hurled at the wall upon completion. In this latest book, rich and pretty Nancy Hennessy is murdered. She leaves behind her two best friends, a loving husband and a daughter… and a secret lover whose identity she takes to the grave. As the investigation into her death falls apart and her friends try to cope with their grief, they learn how little they knew about their friend…and each other…and themselves.

Narrator Note: This will be my first Helen Keeley performance, but I really enjoy everything I’ve heard in samples. She’s got quite a prolific catalog of titles that I believe were originally pubbed in the UK. If you like crisp English accents, you’ll probably enjoy her style.

Latest Listens

I’m in the middle of Amanda Leduc’s Disfigured: On Fairy Tales, Disability, and Making Space. Its just over 8 hours, but I’m taking a little longer with it to go back and re-listen to certain sections. It’s not exactly breaking news that the fairy tales popularized by Disney and other segments of Western culture have major ableist tones, but reading this book has really magnified my privilege as an able-bodied person. So much of what I’m learning seems sort of obvious, but the truth is that my privilege has kept me from thinking critically about the message and implications of ableist messaging in these stories.

Think about it: the baddies are almost always disfigured in some way, or disability is doled out as a punishment. The princesses and princes who find love aren’t ever disabled, or if they are, it’s after their hideous disfigurement has been miraculously healed. As an adult, I’ve spent a lot of time talking about representation and how I never saw myself in the fairy tales I loved so much. This book is a reminder that disabled people have been left out of the equation even more egregiously, or worse: they’ve often been made the bad guy.

I’m not done with this one yet, but I feel pretty confident recommending it. Amanda Leduc is disabled so the book is own voices, and she appears to have taken great care to use language and context that is sensitive to both the disabled community at large and her sources’ individual preferences. The narration by Amanda Barker is so natural and conversational in tone that I forgot it wasn’t the author herself doing the narrating!

From the Internets

at The Guardian: Now You’re Talking! The Best Audiobooks, Chosen by Writers

This roundup of new romance audiobooks from Audiofile reminds me that I really need to pick up some Nalini Singh.

The latest from Listen Together,’s audiobook club

Over at the Riot

It’s Women in Translation Month! Here are some excellent audiobooks that fit the bill.

Thanks for hanging with me today! Shoot me an email at with with all things audiobook or find me on Twitter and the gram @buenosdiazsd. Sign up for the In The Club newsletter and catch me once a month on the All the Books podcast.

Stay bad & bookish, my friends.


Audiobooks 7/30

Hola Audiophiles! It’s still hot and there’s still a pandemic and I’ve played Lana del Rey’s “Summertime Sadness” more times than is strictly healthy. Long walks through Portland’s beautiful parks + audiobooks have thankfully helped keep my mood up, so let’s talk about the week’s new releases and another great romance for your ears.

Warning: gratuitous body roll references ahead.

Ready? Let’s audio.

New Releases – July 28  (publisher descriptions in quotes)

Deal with the Devil by Kit Rocha, read by Lidia Dornet (science fiction) – This is the first in a series called “Mercenary Librarians,” and it’s being pitched as Orphan Black meets the Avengers. Oh word?? Nina and her team of mercenary librarians use their knowledge to help the hopeless in a crumbling near-future America. Knox and his squad of supersoldiers went AWOL to avoid killing innocent people, now he’s battle-weary and fighting to survive. It’s only a matter of time before Nina and Knox’s paths collide, and the world may burn when they do. Or they might just team up, in more ways than one. Insert body roll here.

Narrator Note: I was unsure about Lidia Dornet from the sample of this book but I don’t think it’s representative of the whole performance. I listened to samples from other works like Eva Chase’s Academy of the Forgotten and liked what I heard.

I hold a wolf by the earsI Hold a Wolf by the Ears by Laura van den Berg, read by Amy Landon (short stories) – I very rarely do a straight copy-paste of a publisher’s whole book blurb, but I do when I can’t possibly top it: “I Hold a Wolf by the Ears draws listeners into a world of wholly original, sideways ghost stories that linger in the mouth and mind like rotten, fragrant fruit. Both timeless and urgent, these eleven stories confront misogyny, violence, and the impossible economics of America with van den Berg’s trademark spiky humor and surreal eye. Moving from the peculiarities of Florida to liminal spaces of travel in Mexico City, Sicily, and Spain, I Hold a Wolf by the Ears is uncannily attuned to our current moment, and to the thoughts we reveal to no one but ourselves.”

Narrator Note: You may recognize Amy Landon from Ted Chiang’s Exhalation or Carmen Maria Machado’s Her Body and Other Parties.

It Is Wood, It Is Stone by Gabriella Burnha, read by Gisela Chípe (fiction) – This debut novel by Brazilian author Gabriella Burnha explores class, colorism, and sexuality. Linda is feeling unmoored, lonely, and isolated after moving from the US to São Paulo for her husband’s professorship. Her maid Marta is grappling with Brazil’s complex history and racial tensions and finds Linda’s instability exasperating. When Linda leaves home one day with a beguiling artist, she binds her life to Martha’s in ways neither of them saw coming.

Narrator Note: Gisela Chipe is an actress and writer who was born in Brazil and grew up speaking Portuguese, a language I find so pleasing to the ears and hope to hear in this performance!

the silence of the white cityThe Silence of the White City by Eva Garcia Sáenz, read by Henry Levya (mystery/thriller) – This book is already a bestseller in Spain and Latin America, a fast-paced thriller set in Basque country. Unai López de Ayala is a young inspector better known as “Kraken” (I know: badass) who’s charged with investigating a series of ritualistic murders, ones that bare an eerie resemblance to a different set of grizzly murders that took place two decades ago. Police were positive that a prestigious archaeologist was responsible for the killings and have had him in jail ever since. Kraken must now determine whether that guy had an accomplice or whether he’s been wrongfully incarcerated all these years.

Narrator Note: I don’t know much about Henry Leyva but his voice is exactly what I want and expect from a book with this premise.

Latest Listens

I was staring at my app over the weekend trying to pick my next listen when my best audioamiga Jamie sensed a disturbance in the force. She somehow knew that I was trying to make a decision and text me to recommend Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall. Thirty seconds later, I pressed play.

The plot: Luc O’Donnell is the son of rockstar parents who split up when he was a kid. Luc’s in-and-out-of-rehab dad is bracing for a professional comeback which means Luc is in the public eye, too, and a compromising photo lands Luc in hot water at the charity where he works. Fearing that Luc’s “particular variety of queer” will cause the charity to lose donors, his boss basically orders him to find a nice, normal, fake boyfriend to clean up his image. Luc decides serious, straight-laced, squeaky-clean barrister Oliver is the perfect partner to fake date, and Oliver agrees to the arrangement for work-related image issues of his own. They appear to have tragically little in common, but the more time they spend together… ya know. Treat yourself to the visual of me doing an embarrassingly unsexy body roll.

I have apparently been really into romances with queer English people! Red, White, and Royal Blue and Take A Hint, Dani Brown have been some of my favorite reads of the year and I think Boyfriend Material will be, too. Luc is just a hopeless, charming mess, and it’s so satisfying to watch him work through his issues even when he gets it wrong. Then there’s Oliver, who seems pretty wound up but has an ooey-gooey heart of gold beneath that polished exterior. Every time he (via narrator Joe Jameson) says Luc’s full name, Lucien, with that gorgeous accent, a weird purring sound plus that body roll I mentioned earlier make an awkward appearance. Luc’s coworker Alex is theeee most posh, out-of-touch rich boy ever and should be absolutely intolerable, except he’s clearly written that way on purpose and the satire? It’s delicious. And the love story itself is my favorite kind: a lil’ enemies to lovers, a lil’ mess, a lil’ healthy communication and emotional maturity, and of course: some sexy.

Go ahead and pick this up if you need some happy English queer love, too. Joe Jameson was a ton of fun to spend time with as a narrator, even if a few of his lady character voices bordered on ridiculous. Based on the characters he was portraying, the performance makes sense.

From the Internets

Comic-Con@Home: What We Learned from the “Star Wars Audiobooks: Doctor Aphra” Panel

Travel around the world with these audiobooks. Yes, more travel-themed stuff, but who can blame anyone for wanting a little escape?

This piece on the harmful nature of Audible originals brings up a lot of valid points. As a writer friend pointed out though, we need to be careful not to come down on authors who aren’t in a position to make these big negotiations.

Over at the Riot

More Short Story Collections on Audio for Your TBR

Get some literal #OwnVoices in your ears! Check out these 30 audiobooks written and read by Black authors.

Thanks for hanging with me today! Shoot me an email at with with all things audiobook or find me on Twitter and the gram @buenosdiazsd. Sign up for the In The Club newsletter and catch me once a month on the All the Books podcast.

Stay bad & bookish, my friends.


Audiobooks 7/23

Hola Audiophiles! Straight up: I went on and on (and on) about my latest listen so this newsletter will run a little long. The book is so good though and I want you to read it, so let me keep this intro short and sweet!

Ready? Let’s audio.

New Releases – July 21 (publisher descriptions in quotes)

Trouble the Saints by Alaya Dawn Johnson, read by Neil Shah and Shayna Small (historical fiction) – This is being billed as The Night Circus meets The Underground Railroad and those are some big words! It’s an alternate history set in Manhattan at the dawn of WWII wherein a young woman from Harlem is hired as a secret assassin. Ten years later, she’s given everything up–her past, her dreams, even the love of her life. But her past isn’t quite ready to let her go, so she’s sucked back into her former life and faced with an impossible set of choices to protect the people she loves.

Narrator Note: Shayna Small has blown me away back to back with her performances of Brit Bennett’s The Vanishing Half and Jacqueline Woodson’s Red at the Bone, I’m obsessed with the timbre of her voice!

The Year of the Witching by Alexis Henderson, read by Brianna Colette (fiction, horror)- Immanuelle Moore is a young woman living in Bethel, a puritanical society where her very existence as a biracial woman is blasphemy. She does her best to keep her head down and follow Holy Protocol, but a mishap lures her into the forbidden woods where four witches were once chased and killed by the first prophet. The witches’ spirits still live there and bestow Immanuelle with a revelatory gift: a journal that once belonged to her dead mother that proves she once consorted with these witches. It leads Immanuelle on a path of grim discovery into the Church’s history.

Narrator Note: Brianna Colette is known for her voiceover work on Grand Theft Auto, so this is a different lane for her. I dig samples of this book so far, her voice is very soothing.

10 Things I Hate About Pinky by Sandhya Menon, read by Vikas Adam and Soneela Nankani (YA romance) – Pinky is a social justice warrior who hasn’t met a cause she won’t champion, much to the annoyance of her conservative parents who she kiiiinda likes to annoy. Her frenemy Samir is a Harvard-bound mama’s boy who really likes lists, order, and predictability. When Pinky’s parents give her an earful for the poor dating decisions she’s made, Pinky comes up with a plan: she’ll convince Samir to be her fake boyfriend for the summer. He only agrees because she promises to hook him up with an internship. They bicker at first, but then those sparks start to fly…

Narrator Note: Soneela Nankani is close to being bumped to auto-listen status for me. I’ve liked her since her emotional performance of Internment by Samira Ahmed, and she has sooo much more work to her name.

Latest Listen

I picked up Take A Hint, Dani Brown after hearing about it on the last episode of When in Romance. Dani Brown is driven, confident, and working on her PhD when she finds herself in a sexy times slump. So she asks the goddess Oshun for this one thing: the perfect no-strings-attached partner with whom to do the horizontal polka. It would appear that Oshun has granted her wish when sexy security guard and former pro rugby player Zafir Ansari rescues Dani in a fire drill gone wrong. A video of the rescue goes viral and a hashtag is born as the internet assumes the two are a couple.

Zafir, who has a massive secret crush on Dani, gets the surprise of a lifetime when Dani agrees to engage in a fake relationship with him, parlaying the non-couple’s newfound fame into some free publicity for Zaf’s sports charity for kids. At first it’s all for show, but then they’re like, “You’re sexy and I’m sexy, let’s join our sexy and hop into this bed.” They agree they’ll only sleep together for the duration of their fakelationship: yeah sure, great idea! Could the fact that Dani is emotionally distant and Zaf wants a relationship possibly be a problem here? Sit back, friends, and watch these two try to boink away their feelings (got that one from Talia herself and was *this* close to making it the subject of the newsletter).

There is so much to love about this book, and so much of it boils down to representation. Dani is Black, bisexual, and curvy; Zaf is Muslim and listens to romance novels, and it’s fine because no one has time for toxic masculinity; Zaf very openly discusses grief and his struggles with mental health following the deaths of his dad and brother; Dani owns her sexuality and stands up in it. And of course, the sexy times are straight fire. I know I said I listened to that podcast, which means I heard Trisha and Jess say these books are sexy, but I… forgot? This is how I ended up playing this book kinda loudly in my car, listening to a bit about Dani’s throbbing clitoris just as a family in a Subaru (#ThisIsPortland) pulled up to my right. Whoops!

Aaaand lastly because I’ve been going on forever, Ione Butler does a fantastic job with this performance. She seamlessly slips between Zaf’s deep, brooding, Northern English (I think?) accent and Dani’s assured and playful tone. The sex scenes feel real and the dialogue never forced. A++ all around, I had a lot of fun with this one and hope you do too.

From the Internets

Audiofile Magazine shared this list of audiobooks with love in the spotlight, and would you look at that: my latest listen is front and center! They also have a cool interview with Frankie Corzo, who takes us behind the scenes of recording Silvia Moreno-Garcia’s Mexican Gothic.

Eyyyyy it’s another road trip audiobook list! Here’s the latest one from Fodor’s and I will say: it isn’t just more of the same. Dunno if I would listen to I’ll Be Gone in the Dark if you’re driving *alone* on that road trip, but that’s coming from me, confessed weenie.

I’m digging this list of audiobooks for escapism, because again, it’s not a roundup that looks like everyone else’s. We Ride Upon Sticks in particular gets the Book Riot staff cosign.

Over at the Riot

Check it out, Hamilfans: these audiobooks are narrated by members of the original Hamilton cast.

Did you know that July is Disability Pride month? Celebrate and learn a few things with this listening list.

Thanks for hanging with me today! Shoot me an email at with with all things audiobook or find me on Twitter and the gram @buenosdiazsd. Sign up for the In The Club newsletter and catch me once a month on the All the Books podcast.

Stay bad & bookish, my friends.


Audiobooks 7/16

Hola Audiophiles! How goes it? I know each day brings one or more headlines that are so bad they feel impossible, so I hope you’re all taking the time to recharge and restore. Let’s talk new audiobooks and audio news, but first: a few non-book things that made me smile this week in case you need them, too.

Translation: just leave, you dirty virus.

I don’t know what made me laugh harder, the original tweet about this 11 yo who got jokes or Tracy Clayton’s replies.

Why can this puppers salsa better than I can? And has it always walked this way, or did it see the humans dancing and decide to show them how it’s done?

Ready? Let’s audio.

New Releases – July 14 (publisher descriptions in quotes)

Running by Natalia Sylvester, read by Frankie Corzo (YA) – Cuban American teen Mariana Ruiz has always rooted for her politician father, from back in the day in small, local elections to his current position in the U.S. Senate. Everything changes when he decides to run for President: the scrutiny is next level invasive and Mariana learns some things about her father that she doesn’t know how to process. She struggles to find her voice while viral videos and manufactured scandals threaten to undo her. Mari is left to wonder: what do you do when your dad stops being your hero, and how do you speak up when there is so much at stake?

Narrator Note: Frankie Corzo is staying busy this year! In 2020 releases alone, she’s read Silvia Moreno-Garcia’s Mexican Gothic, Incendiary by Zoraida Cordova, These Women by Ivy Pochoda, and the upcoming Paola Santiago and the River of Tears by Tehlor Kay Mejia (8/4/20).

utopia avenueUtopia Avenue by David Mitchell, read by Ralph Lister (historical fiction) – It’s the late 1960s in London and Utopia Avenue is band that burns bright—for a time. Their story is one “of fame’s Faustian pact and stardom’s wobbly ladder; of the families we choose and the ones we don’t; of voices in the head, and the truths and lies they whisper; of music, madness, and idealism.” I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll with the David Mitchell treatment: expect complex interconnected narratives and Easter eggs from his other books.

Narrator Note: Ralph Lister does a lot of Audible Original recordings and also read The Butchering Art by Lindsey Fitzharris, a fascinating book about the quest to transform Victorian medicine (aka “oh snap, bacteria causes… infection? And that’s… bad?”)

the only good indiansThe Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones, read by Shaun Taylor-Corbett (horror) – In this supernatural revenge horror novel, four Native American men are running from a terrifying entity in the wake of a disturbing event from their youth. This was my week on All the Books with Liberty and she definitely said the words, “Michael Meyers with antlers” when describing this one. It sounds intense, gory, and scary, all while examining the stereotypes and abuse so commonly leveled against indigenous peoples.

Narrator Note: Shaun Taylor-Corbett is one of the narrators in Tommy Orange’s There There as well as Where the Lost Wander by Amy Harmon.

A Sweet Mess by Jayci Lee, read by Natalie Naudus (romance) – Audrey Choi is busy running her super successful bakery and has no time for dating, until a steamy one night stand with a Korean hunk has her rethinking this whole no-room-for-love thing. That is until she discovers that said hunk, Landon, is a celebrity food critic, one whose scathing review of her bakery has put the business in peril. Landon tries to make it up to Aubrey by offering her a spot on a celebrity cooking show he’s producing, and Aubrey agrees begrudgingly for the sake of her business. She is NOT going to fall for Landon though, even if they will be stuck together in a villa in California wine country. Sure, Aubrey. Sure.

Narrator Note: You may recognize Natalie Naudus from the Innkeeper Chronicles series by Ilona Andrews, or from I Love You So Mochi by Sarah Kuhn.

Related: Daniel Dae Kim has already signed on to produce and star in an adaptation of this rom-com!

Latest Listens

Last week I mentioned TJ Klune’s The Extraordinaries as my in-progress read, and I have sad news. This one hurts because there was just so much to love in this book: it’s queer, nerdy, romantic, and such an accurate slice of the awkwardness of youth. The banter is hilarious and pairs so well with touching explorations of grief, mental health, and ADHD. Michael Lesley really is so wonderful as a narrator; he breathes such life into each of the characters and I hope we get to see more of him soon.

BUT it has come to my attention (and I can confirm after listening to more of the book) that it goes on to glorify the police a whole bunch, even including what I feel is a tasteless (not to mention super poorly timed) joke about police brutality, and does not provide any sort of critique to counter it. It’s possible (not sure how likely) that some of this was fixed in final publication since I’ve been listening to an advanced copy, and a part of me still hopes it was meant to be satire? For now, I am just the most bummed.

From the Internets

gal-dem, a publication dedicated to sharing perspectives from women and non-binary people of color, has teamed up with with Audible on Listen Up!, an audiobook club celebrating new Black authors.

More road trip audiobooks for you! I’m writing all these down for those long drives to nowhere I’m taking this summer (no, I’m not kidding). suggests these audiobooks for organizations.

Audiobooks that are so sexy, you’ll lose track of space and time? Let’s be the judge of that, shall we? Report back.

Over at the Riot

This list of amazing romance novels on audio is calling my name! You know I stan hard for Red, White, and Royal Blue and I have literally every single other one of those books either in my app or on hold with Libby.

I love a full cast audiobook, it’s like a whole Broadway production for your ears! Here’s a roundup of some newer full-cast audiobooks. Enjoy!

Thanks for hanging with me today! Shoot me an email at with with all things audiobook or find me on Twitter and the gram @buenosdiazsd. Sign up for the In The Club newsletter and catch me once a month on the All the Books podcast.

Stay bad & bookish, my friends.


Audiobooks – 07/09

Hola Audiophiles! Como estan? I didn’t get much audiobooking done (or any other reading, for that matter) on account of a temp job I took while sheltering in place in San Diego for the last three weeks. My boss required a constant supply of snacks and chocolate milk, demanded I play Trolls World Tour and his five favorite songs on repeat, and snapped his fingers at me to insist I join him in impromptu dance parties at all hours of the day! Good thing he’s cute, a toddler, and my nephew or I’d have quit on that tiny tyrant.

I’m back in PDX now and have a fresh batch of new audiobooks for you plus lots of Riot audiobook content for you, too.

Ready? Let’s audio.

New Releases – July 7  (publisher descriptions in quotes)

Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall, read by Joe Jameson (romance) – Luc O’Donnell is sort of famous by association, the son of rockstar parents who split up when he was a kid. His dad spent two decades in and out of rehab but is bracing for a comeback, which means Luc will be back in the public eye, too, When one compromising photo threatens to ruin everything, Luc decides a relationship with nice, sweet, squeaky-clean Oliver is the perfect way to clean up his own image. They have close to nada in common, so a fake relationship it is! You know where this is headed…. smoochtown, party of two. (Related: an excellent Twitter thread by Alexis Hall on writing (and reading) queer joy as a political act, a concept I think applies to joy in so many marginalized communities. Also a reminder of how much I enjoy the word “bollocks.”)

Narrator Note: Did you enjoy The Third Wife by Lisa Jewell? Joe Jameson reads that as well as the Spellslinger series by Sebastien de Castell, and lots of other titles.

The Golden Thread by Ravi Somaiya, read by the author (nonfiction, history) – “On Sept. 17, 1961, Dag Hammarskjöld boarded a Douglas DC6 propeller plane on the sweltering tarmac of the airport in Leopoldville, the capital of the Congo. Hours later, he would be found dead in an African jungle with an ace of spades playing card placed on his body.” Sounds like the plot of a thriller, right? Proof yet again that truth is stranger than fiction, and that investigative reporting can be hella interesting to read about.

Narrator Note: The sample of this audiobook convinced me about five seconds in. Somaiya’s voice has the same effect as Colin Firth’s does on me: it calms me and I want to know more.

cover image of One to Watch by Kate Stayman-London One to Watch by Kate Stayman-London, read by Kristen Sieh (fiction) – Bea is a super stylish plus-size blogger who’s nursing a broken heart. I’m quoting this next part because it made me LOL for real: “Like the rest of America, Bea indulges in her weekly obsession: the hit reality show Main Squeeze. The fantasy dates! The kiss-off rejections! The surprising amount of guys named Chad!” Though she loves the show, she’s also sick and tired of its lack of body diversity (can I get an amen???). Right when she’s ready to give up on dating entirely, the show calls and asks her to be a contestant. She agrees to go on while making a silent promise to herself: she will under no circumstances fall in love. Try as she might to convince herself that she’s only doing this for exposure and a boost to her career, it all gets a little messy and tangled once the cameras start rolling.

Narrator Note: You may recognize Kristen Sieh from a couple of Hank Green titles or Blitzed by Alexa Martin.

The Son of Good Fortune by Lysley Tenorio, read by Reuben Uy (fiction) – Excel has lived a life of paranoia and secrecy ever since his mother, a former Filipina B-movie action star who now makes her living scamming men online, revealed that Excel is undocumented on his 10th birthday. He’s kept this secret for fear of uprooting his entire life, but now decides to join his girlfriend on a journey south to a fringe desert town outside the normal constructs of society. “After so many years of trying to be invisible, who does he want to become? And is it possible to put down roots in a country that has always considered you an outsider?” Side note: Excel works at a spy-themed pizza shop called The Pie Who Loved Me and I could not love that more.

Narrator Note: Reuben Uy also narrates Lysley Tenorio’s Monstress, a collection from a few years ago that touched on many of the same theme explored in his latest. I highly recommend it.

Latest Listens

cover image of The Extraordinaries by TJ Klune As I mentioned earlier, I’m back in Portland and getting back into a reading flow (slowly, don’t at me). I’m almost done with TJ Klune’s The Extraordinaries and unless it totally goes off the rails in this last bit, I think I’m going to love it! This is Klune’s YA debut, one I knew I had to pick up when a Goodreads user called it “soft superhero queer disaster” under a glowing review. It’s delightfully queer AF, kind of cheesy in the best way, and features ADHD representation. Full review next week, but go find some more titles read by Michael Lesley in the meantime. I’m fully prepared to get the rest of his catalog in my queue ASAP. Talk about a dynamic performer!

From the Internets

Summer is for road trips and road trips are for audiobooks! Okay so those road tips may just be a roundtrip journey in your car to get out of the house for awhile thanks to our dear, dear friend La Rona, but audiobooks don’t care that your destination isn’t a vacay locale.

Over at the Riot

Do you know the difference between an audio drama and a full cast audiobook?

In the mood for a thrilling audiobook with complicated relationships? We gotchu.

“But Vanessa, we want more audiobook mysteries!” Well alright then, here you go!

On a recent episode of For Real, our nonfiction podcast, Alice and Kim discussed podcast-ish audiobooks.

Thanks for hanging with me today! Shoot me an email at with with all things audiobook or find me on Twitter and the gram @buenosdiazsd. Sign up for the In The Club newsletter, catch me once a month on the All the Books podcast, and watch me ramble about even more new books every Tuesday on our YouTube channel.

Stay bad & bookish, my friends.


Audiobooks 7/2

Hola Audiophiles! We made it to the end of June! I’m still a little baffled by the fact that half the year is over, and that any return to “normal” is probs not in the cards. What I am clear on is that we should all keep the same energy for Black and queer lives all year and not just in the month of June. Join me in that purpose, but first…

Let’s audio.

New Releases – June 30 (publisher descriptions in quotes)

Daring and the Duke (Bareknuckle Bastards III) by Sarah MacLean, read by Justine Eyre (romance) – Grace Condry was betrayed by her only love in her youth and now lives on the streets as queen of London’s darkest corners. Ewan, Duke of Marwick, has spent a decade searching for the woman he lost in a gamble and never stopped loving. That woman, of course, is Grace, and reconciliation is not on Ms. Condry’s agenda. She wants revenge, but as she gets closer to him, she finds herself overwhelmed with the feely feels she swore she’d never feel again. Passion!

Narrator Note: Justine Eyre is such a lovely narrator! You’ve seen me talk her up plenty from her work on tons of other Sarah MacLean titles as well as books like The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova and The Invited by Jennifer McMahon.

mexican gothicMexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno Garcia, read by Frankie Corzo (Gothic horror + historical) – Insert Mexican grito here! I’m an SMG fangirl and this book is one I’ve been waiting on with bated breath, a tight, twisty, and claustrophobic read whose setting is inspired by a real town in the mountains of Hidalgo with a British mining past. Picture it: Mexico, 1950s: after her newlywed cousin Catalina sends a letter begging for help, socialite Noemí leaves the city and travels to the stately manor where Catalina lives. When she gets there, her cousin’s handsome English husband says it was all a misunderstanding, blaming tuberculosis for his wife’s mental state. But Noemí doesn’t think Catalina’s symptoms make sense, then she herself experiences some super weird and creepy goings on in the home. It’s lush, atmospheric, and sooo gothic. I need to finish this newsletter so I can keep reading!

Side note: I see some people referring to this read as magical realism. Here and here are a couple of tweets on why that’s not the move.

Narrator Note: Frankie! I love her. Some of my favorites of her work include Incendiary by Zoraida Cordova and Next Year in Havana by Chanel Cleeton.

Opium and Absinthe by Lydia Kang, read by Bailey Carr (mystery/thriller) – This is a historical thriller set in Gilded Age New York. Tillie Pembroke’s sister isn’t just dead; her body is drained of blood and there are two puncture wounds on her neck. Gah! Bram Stoker’s Dracula has just been introduced to the world, so Tillie starts to ponder the impossible: could the murderer be a vampire. No! Of course not! Maybe? Tillie becomes obsessed with unraveling the mystery of her sister’s death. But truth isn’t her only addiction; to ease the pain from a recent injury, she’s also picked up a laudanum habit that makes the pursuit of the truth that much murkier.

Narrator Note: Bailey Carr’s recent works include I Was Told It Would Get Easier by Abbi Waxman and A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson.

Sex and Vanity by Kevin Kwan, read by Lydia Look (fiction) – Lucie Churchill is vacationing in Capri when she sets eyes on George Zao and she instantly can’t stand his stupid sexy face. Cut to him kissing her in the ancient ruins of a Roman villa, where they’re caught by her snobby cousin who’s all “well your mom is Chinese so of course you’re attracted to that Chinese man.” Lucie is indeed the daughter of an American-born Chinese mother and a blue-blooded New York father, but she’s always played down her Asian side favor of the white side. Because there are clearly some things she needs to unpack, she adamantly denies having feelings for George. But c’mon, we know what feelings do. They demand to be felt!

Narrator Note: I looooved Lydia Look’s reading of Crazy Rich Asians and the other books in the series. Can’t wait to get her in my ears again!

Latest Listens

True story: I listened to Lucy Foley’s The Guest List on accident. I totally meant to press play on another book for an upcoming episode of All the Books and then sort of just kept listening. Good move!

The story is told from five perspectives: the bride, Jules, the smart, magazine publisher marrying a devastatingly handsome reality TV star; the plus one, Hannah, whose husband is Jule’s longtime BFF; the best man, Johnno, whose life hasn’t gone as planned after leaving the elite boarding school he attended with the groom; the wedding planner, Aoife, who’s helped plan the nuptials to Julia’s exact (and luxurious) specification; and the bridesmaid, Jule’s younger sister who is just trying to keep it together long enough to not ruin the big day. All these folks convene on a remote island off the coast of Ireland for the wedding, and it all starts off peachy. However as the day rolls on and the liquor starts to flow, old resentments bubble up and the tension rises. When a body turns up and a storm sets in, it all goes to sh*t.

In the end, and I do mean almost the very end, I did solve the whodunnit but I wasn’t sure that I had. If locked-room (or in this case, secluded island) mysteries with a ton of Agatha Christie-esque red herrings are your jam like they are mine, this will be a fun one for you too. The cast of narrators is fantastic: Jot Davies, Chloe Massey, Olivia Dowd, Aoife McMahon, Sarah Ovens, and Rich Keeble. They each do such an excellent job with pacing, conveying a whole range of emotions, and building suspense!

From the Internets

23 Audiobooks That Are Even Better Than The Print Version

This Publishers Weekly piece from mid June is titled “All Signs Point Up for Audiobooks” and my first reaction was, “Duh.”

Over at, a roundup of Marvel fiction podcasts and audiobooks to fill the MCU gap in our hearts.

Over at the Riot

Visiting Home with Appalachia Audiobooks

4 Amazing Audiobooks to Discover on Spotify

Thanks for hanging with me today! Shoot me an email at with all things audiobook or find me on Twitter and the gram @buenosdiazsd. Sign up for the In The Club newsletter, catch me once a month on the All the Books podcast, and watch me ramble about even more new books every Tuesday on our YouTube channel.

Stay bad & bookish, my friends.


Audiobooks – 6/25

Hola Audiophiles! Thank you for joining me for another week in the decade known as 2020. Whether you’re blasting through your TBLs at record speed or saving listens up for later, I’m honored you’re taking time out of your day to read my nerdy descriptions and muppet-arms reviews. I loooove my latest listen and am jazzed for all these new books!

Before I dive in, favor? We’re running a reader survey and would love it if you’d take a few minutes to fill it out. As a thank you, you’ll be entered for the chance to win an ereader!

Ready? Let’s audio.

New Releases – June 23  (publisher descriptions in quotes)

the order of the pure moonThe Order of the Pure Moon Reflected in Water by Zen Cho, read by Nancy Wu (fantasy novella) – I love this description so much: “A bandit walks into a coffeehouse, and it all goes downhill from there.” It gets even better: Displaced nun Guet Imm (badass nuns?? hell yes!) joins an eclectic group of thieves in order to protect a sacred object, and finds she has no idea how complicated a situation she’s gotten herself into. This is a found-story inspired by wuxia—a genre of Chinese fiction chronicling the adventures of Ancient Chinese martial artists—by the author of Sorcerer to the Crown.

Narrator Note: Nancy Wu’s work includes performances of Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata, Warcross by Marie Lu, and Severance by Ling Ma.

Thank You for Voting: The Maddening, Enlightening, Inspiring Truth About Voting in America by Erin Geiger Smith, read by Lisa Cordileone (nonfiction) – This kind of book feels so important right now; it’s a history of voting, of the fight for the voting rights of the disenfranchised, and an examination (and explanation) of everything from how the voting system works to voter suppression, trends, and current movements to increase both awareness and access. This books is also available in a version for young readers and I could not love that fact more.

Narrator Note: Lisa Cordileone reads both the adult and young readers editions of this book.

Party of Two by Jasmine Guillory (romance), read by Janina Edwards – Olivia Monroe just moved LA to start her own law firm and has no time for dating. Then she meets a sexy man at a hotel bar and they get their flirt on, and she discovers way too late in the game that this dude Max is a famous junior senator. Olivia has zero interest in dating a politician (relatable), but he wins her over with her charm (and cake!) and they begin dating in secret. When they finally go public, it goes precisely as you might expect it to go if… oh I dunno, a beautiful Black woman with her own career and money dated a white royalty figure and the public lost its ever loving mind. Olivia knows what she has with Max is special, but is special enough to deal with the endless scrutiny?

Narrator Note: Janina Edwards reads the books in Jasmine Guillory’s much beloved Wedding Date series (The Wedding Date, The Proposal, etc). If you loved those performances, you’re in good hands!

Twisted: The Tangled History of Black Hair Culture by Emma Dabiri (nonfiction), read by the author – In this collection of essays blending the personal and the political, Emma Dabiri explores the ins and outs of Black hair culture, including the ways Black hair has been appropriated throughout history, the continued stigmatization of Black hair today, and the cultural movements celebrating black hair. She uses Black hair as a lens to examine racism, pop culture, body politics, and history.

Narrator Note: Emma Dabiri, please write more books so you can narrate them, or just pick up a narrator hustle on the side! Her voice is so pleasant to listen to, I needs more pronto.

Latest Listens

Still working on Stamped from the Beginning by Ibram X. Kendi because a)that book needs to be consumed slowly, and b)Spotify made it available to stream but didn’t add (that I know of??) a way to bookmark where you left off. I keep having to figure out where to jump back in!

the vanishing halfIn the meantime, I tore through Brit Bennett’s The Vanishing Half. It’s a multi-generational story told from multiple perspectives set in both Louisiana and California from the 60s to the 90s. The Vignes twin sisters were inseparable at birth but went on to lead entirely different lives after running away from their remote hometown of Mallard, LA. One sister eventually goes on to live with her Black daughter in that same town after vowing she’d never return, and the other is passing as a white woman whose white husband has no idea she’s Black. They haven’t spoken in years, but their storylines intersect when their daughters’ paths cross in California.

That summary barely scratches the surface of what Brit Bennett accomplishes in this absolutely stellar follow up to The Mothers. Her characters are so complex and the conversations they engender so nuanced, diving deep into the toxicity of white supremacy and the lengths to which a person is driven in the pursuit of survival and self preservation. There are no easy answers here; every element of this narrative requires thoughtful consideration of the factors that make each moment possible, even inevitable. It’s a call to think critically about race, a condemnation of the “niceness” that upholds white supremacy, and a whole emotional gut punch. If you’ve read it or don’t mind spoilers, check out the latest bonus episode of the Book Riot podcast where I got to rave about this book with Sharifah and Rebecca.

TW: racist language, colorism, and a few flashback references to the murder of the twins’ fathers by white supremacists. Nothing is discussed in detail but YMMV. If it helps, I went into this book thinking I wasn’t going to be able to handle it, but Brit Bennet has a way of writing about painful subject matter with care and a kind of restraint that I find both powerful and readable as an extremely sensitive person.

From the Internets’s Juneteenth initiative raised just over $67,000 for 42 Black-owned bookstores! Click here for a recap and an action plan for the future. Also check out Libro’s interview with author George M. Johnson.

Anyone else craving romance right now as much as I am? Audiofile recommends these new romance audiobooks to boost your spirits. I just checked out The Bromance Book Club from Libby!

Speaking of romance, check out this Audible playlist of Black voices in romance.

June is Audiobook Month (I won’t blame you if you kinda forgot like I did because… you know, THINGS), and has a ton of resources to celebrate: staff picks, upcoming film adaptations, and a few active giveaways (sorry for not altering you all sooner!)

Over at the Riot

Enter to win an 12-book audiobook bundle!

These memoirs are both written and narrated by queer women. You al know how I feel about In the Dream House!

These five audiobooks are by or about Black women who speak up and fight back.

Thanks for hanging with me today! Shoot me an email at with your burning book club questions or find me on Twitter and the gram @buenosdiazsd. Sign up for the In the Club newsletter, catch me once a month on the All the Books podcast, and watch me ramble about even more new books every Tuesday on our YouTube channel.

Stay bad & bookish, my friends.


Audiobooks – 6/18

Hola Audiophiles! Welcome to another Thursday and a brand spanking new edition of the Audiobooks newsletter. I’ve got a few new releases for you as usual, some antiracism playlists, and a cool bit of news involving audiobooks and Juneteenth.

Ready? Let’s audio.

New Releases – June 16  (publisher descriptions in quotes)

I Was Told It Would Get Easier by Abbi Waxman, read by Lisa Flanagan, Bailey Carr (fiction) – Jessica and Emily Bernstein are a mother-daughter duo on a college tour. For Emily, this is a taste of freedom, even if she’s not entirely sure she wants to go to college. Jessica sees it as a chance to bond with Emily. They used to be so close, but they’ve drifted apart; Jessica isn’t sure if her daughter even likes her anymore, or if she even likes herself. Together with a dozen strangers on a bus, Jessica and Emily will travel the East Coast, meet up with family and old friends, and discover surprises and secrets that will change their relationship forever.

Narrator Note: I’ve heard such great things about Lisa Flanagan’s performance of Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik and A. J. Hackwith’s The Library of the Unwritten! Bailey Carr has read titles like When the Moon Was Ours by Anna-Marie McLemore and Laura van den Berg’s The Third Hotel.

Saving Ruby King by Catherine Adel West, read by Kim Staunton, Imani Parks, Ron Butler, Adam Lazarre-White, Lloyd Roberson II, Terra Strong Lyons (fiction) – When Ruby King’s mother is found dead in her home, the police dismiss it as just another violent act in a Black neighborhood. Ruby is devastated but also terrified, because her mother’s death means the loss of her protector, and she will now have to live alone with her abusive father. Ruby’s best friend Layla wants to help, but her father, the pastor of their church, demands that Layla stay away from Ruby. “In a relentless quest to save Ruby, Layla uncovers the murky loyalties and dangerous secrets that have bound their families together for generations.”

Narrator Note:  I love an ensemble cast and that is a good one! Some notable performances from each of the narrators include: Kim Staunton reading several Rebel: Women Who Dare and lots of other Beverly Jenkins titles; Imani Parks reads Tiny Pretty Things by Sona Charaipotra and Dhonielle Clayton; Ron Butler reads Notes of a Native Son by James Baldwin while Adam Lazarre-White reads Go Tell It On the Mountain. Lloyd Roberson II and Terra Strong Lyons are new (as far as I can tell) to the audiobook game!

Vera Kelly is Not a Mystery by Rosalie Knecht, read by Elisabeth Rodgers (mystery/thriller) – This is the next book in the Vera Kelly series! Ex-CIA agent Vera is newly jobless and girlfriendless. Heartbroken and broke AF, she reluctantly takes a job as a private detective. Her first case brings up dark memories and “attracts dangerous characters from across the Cold War landscape. Before it’s over, she’ll chase a lost child through foster care and follow a trail of Dominican exiles to the Caribbean.” Forever on the run, Vera will have to confront her desire for home, connection, and a little romance.

Narrator Note: Elisabeth Rodgers reads a lot of Dean Koontz and Iris Johansen titles and also read the first book in the Vera Kelly Series (Who is Vera Kelly?). Her style really captures Vera’s smart, bone-dry wit.

Latest Listens

I am taking my sweet time with Stamped from the Beginning by Ibram X. Kendi right now, not sure when I will be done because I keep rewinding it to hear parts of it again, and I may even switch over to print to make notes whenever I can get my hands on it. It’s an 18 hour listen that I’m barely an hour into, but it’s already so powerful and just so powerful in its detail and scope. Reminder that Stamped from the Beginning is currently available to stream on Spotify; FYI some people have pointed out that the free version of Spotify does not let you listen to it in order. Boo!

Anyway, I’ll report back when I’m further into it. What audiobooks have you been loving? Reply to this email and let me know!

From the Internets

Tomorrow on Juneteenth (Friday, June 19th), will deliver 100% of audiobook sales to Black-owned bookstore partners. In addition to their collection of antiracism playlists, they’ve also added New Fiction by Black Women and Pride Picks by Black Authors

at BuzzFeed: 21 Audiobooks We’re Excited to Listen To This Summer

at AudioFile: 5 Young Adult Audiobooks That Center Black Lives

at Audible: Listens for Raising an Antiracist

Over at the Riot

12 Recent Queer Audiobooks That Will Fill Your Ears With Pride

5 Audiobooks Narrated by a Full Cast

Thanks for hanging with me today! Shoot me an email at with your burning book club questions or find me on Twitter and the gram @buenosdiazsd. Sign up for the Audiobooks newsletter, catch me once a month on the All the Books podcast, and watch me ramble about even more new books every Tuesday on our YouTube channel.

Stay bad & bookish, my friends.


Audiobooks 6/11

Hola Audiophiles!

Hey friend, yes you. It’s almost Friday and you made it. I know we’re all feeling a lot of ups and downs right now between working on anti-racism and getting our hearts broken by once-beloved fantasy authors. I see you, I honor you, and I invite you to take a moment today to breathe, stretch, hydrate, perhaps meditate or take a nap. Thank you for spending some of your precious time with me today – let’s do this audiobook thing.

Ready? Let’s audio.

New Releases – June 9th  (publisher descriptions in quotes)

The Secret Women Sheila Williams by Sheila Williams, read by Zakiya Young (fiction) – Elise isn’t feeing very namaste: she recently lost her mother, her marriage has fallen apart, and this 90 minute yoga class just isn’t where its at today. After an epic faceplant in downward facing dog, she gets to chatting with two other women who aren’t feeling it today either. They strike up a conversation and end up going for dinner after class. Over tacos, margaritas, laughs, and then tearful confessions, a friendship between these three members of the Daughters of Dead Mothers Club is formed.

Narrator Note: Zakiya Young is an experienced theater actress and relatively new to the audiobook thing. Her narration is unsurprisingly wonderful!

Rebel Chef: In Search of What Matters by Dominique Crenn, read by Hope Newhouse (biography/memoir) – Dominique Crenn is the owner and executive chef at renowned San Francisco restaurant Atelier Crenn. This memoir begins with chronicle of her childhood in Brittany, France, starting with her adoption at 18 months and her early indoctrination into the world of food. We then follow Crenn on her journey to becoming a chef, breaking down barriers and developing her own unique philosophy of food before finally opening up her own restaurant and becoming the first woman in America to earn a two Michelin star rating. Fun fact: she’s also currently the only one with a three star rating.

Bonus: Watch her episode of Chef’s Table on Netflix for a fun dive into her restaurant’s artistic concept. There are absolutely some who will find this kind of cuisine pretentious (and little snobby towards “simple” food, I’ll give you that). But Crenn’s passion and creativity are undeniable and so fun to watch.

Narrator note: I confess I wish Dominque Crenn had narrated this herself because I love her French accent so much, but Hope Newhouse does a great job. She reads a ton of Laura Bradbury’s work if you’re familiar with those.

Cover of The Boyfriend Project by Farrah RochonThe Boyfriend Project by Farrah Rochon, read by Je Nie Fleming (romance, fiction) – Samiah is a software engineer who’s on a hot garbage date and live-tweeting its awfulness for the world to see. Those tweets go viral and then one women but TWO women are all, “Ummmm, why is my man on a date with another woman?” They show up at the restaurant, confront his three-timing ass, and then the three wronged women ride off together into the friendship sunset. Over a round of Moscow mules, they make a pact to take a break from dating and focus on themselves. As luck would have it though, the new hottie at the office puts a twinkle in Samiah’s eye. Should she stick to the plan or take a chance on love? And is this new guy keeping secrets of his own? I have been leaning hard into romance for joy in these times and enjoyed this one on so many levels: strong female friendships, an office romance, the struggles of Black women in the workplace and specifically in STEM. So good!

Narrator Note: Je Nie Fleming is an actor, singer, and writer who brings those acting skills to her narration. She has this rich, lower-pitched tone that I find absolutely scrumptious.

Last Tang Standing by Lauren Ho, read by Catherine Ho (fiction) – This is pitched as Crazy Rich Asians meets Bridget Jones’ Diary, to which I say thank you. Andrea Tang is 33 and living the dream; she’s a successful lawyer, has fun-loving friends, her social life is poppin’ and she has a posh condo in Singapore. All she has to do now is make partner at her firm, though her family thinks she’s incomplete because she’s unmarried and childless. Then a chance encounter with a charming and wealthy entrepreneur offers her a glimpse of an easy life in the lap of luxury that would also satisfy her family. But…. she can’t stop thinking about her office rival, the last man her family would approve of.

Narrator Note: You may recognize Catherine Ho from books like How Much of These Hills Is Gold by C Pam Zhang or Ship of Smoke and Steel by Django Wexler.

pizza girlPizza Girl by Jean Kyoung Frazier, read by Jeena Yi (fiction) – Our main character is 18 years old, pregnant, and working as a pizza delivery girl in suburban LA. She’s grieving the death of her father and in denial about her unhappiness, avoiding the attempts at support from her loving mother and boyfriend. Then she meets Jenny, a stay-at-home mom new to the neighborhood who depends on weekly pickled-covered pizza deliveries in order to feed her young son. “As one woman looks toward motherhood and the other toward middle age, the relationship between the two begins to blur in strange, complicated, and ultimately heartbreaking ways.”

Narrator Note: Jeena Yi is one of the narrators in the cast for Frances Cha’s If I Had Your Face which has been on my list!

Latest Listens – HA!

My focus is all over the map right now, but that’s okay. What I’ve prepared instead is a list of audiobooks to celebrate both queer and Black voices (including several Black queer voices). Again, went with a list sans descriptions in the interest of getting lots of selections on the page. Look em up, read em up.

You Should See Me in a Crown by Leah Johnson, read by Alaska Jackson

Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas, read by Avi Roque (out September 2020)

Redefining Realness by Janet Mock, read by the author

Freshwater by Akwaeke Emezi, read by the author

The Clancys of Queens by Tara Clancy, read by the author

Dark and Deepest Red by Anna-Marie McLemore, read by Vikas Adam, Mia Barron and Almarie Guerra

A Blade So Black by L.L. McKinney, read by Jacob York, Jeanette Illidge, and Matthew Barnes

Homie by Danez Smith, read by the author

You Can’t Touch My Hair by Phoebe Robinson, read by the author

All Boys Aren’t Blue by George M. Johnson, read by the author

Patsy by Nicole Dennis-Benn, read by Sharon Gordon

Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston, read by Ramon de Ocampo

Real Men Knit by Kwana Jackson, read by Keylor Leigh

Gingerbread by Helen Oyeyemi, read by the author

Small Doses by Amanda Seales, read by the author

All My Mother’s Lovers by Ilana Massad, Rebecca Lowman

Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams, read by Shvorne Marks

Wade in the Water by Tracy K. Smith, read by the author

Everything Under by Daisy Johnson, read by Esther Wane

From the Internets

Audiofile suggests these seven historical fiction audiobooks for kids and teens

I’m really excited for’s Summer Listening Challenge! Play Audiobook Bingo for a chance to win swag and a year’s worth of audiobooks!

Also up on the blog now: interviews with Brit Bennett and Nicole Dennis-Benn and a list of audiobook recs from Black bookstagrammers.

Audible has a roundup of playlists up now: classic lit by Black authors, Black voices in romance, International Black authors, and a top 10 list of Black audiobook narrators

I missed that it’s Audiobook Month because…. well, look around. Thanks to Kobo for reminding me.

Nerd Daily invites you to #ReadWithPride with these audiobook recommendations

Over at the Riot

6 of the Best Audiobooks by Black Authors

Thanks for hanging with me today! Shoot me an email at with your burning book club questions or find me on Twitter and the gram @buenosdiazsd. Sign up for the Audiobooks newsletter, catch me once a month on the All the Books podcast, and watch me ramble about even more new books every Tuesday on our YouTube channel.

Stay bad & bookish, my friends.