Check Your Shelf

Anti Racism Reading Lists, Pride Lists, and New Release Lists

Welcome to Check Your Shelf. This newsletter is bursting at the seams with anti-racist reading lists, queer pride lists, and upcoming June release lists, so get your ordering carts ready.

Anti-Racism Reading Lists & Resources

Pride Month Reading Lists

Collection Development Corner

Publishing News

New & Upcoming Titles

What Your Patrons Are Hearing About

RA/Genre Resources

On the Riot

All Things Comics

On the Riot


On the Riot

Book Lists, Book Lists, Book Lists



On the Riot

Level Up (Library Reads)

Do you take part in Library Reads, the monthly list of best books selected by librarians only? We’ve made it easy for you to find eligible diverse titles to nominate. Kelly Jensen created a database of upcoming diverse books that anyone can edit, and Nora Rawlins of Early Word is doing the same, as well as including information about series, vendors, and publisher buzz.

Stay safe and stay well, everyone. Black Lives Matter.

—Katie McLain Horner, @kt_librarylady on Twitter.

Check Your Shelf

Libraries Are Making Anti-Racism Statements

Welcome to Check Your Shelf. Let’s all take some time to figure out how we’re going to use our libraries and our resources to push back against systemic racism.

Libraries & Librarians

News Updates

Cool Library Updates

Worth Reading

Book Adaptations in the News

Books & Authors in the News

Numbers & Trends

Award News

Pop Cultured

Bookish Curiosities & Miscellaneous

On the Riot

Stay safe this weekend, everyone.

—Katie McLain Horner, @kt_librarylady on Twitter.

Check Your Shelf

Black Lives Matter

Welcome to Check Your Shelf. I can’t start the newsletter without acknowledging the protests that are happening right now around the world in response to the murder of George Floyd. It seems wrong to jump into a collection development newsletter when the world is burning, but please take this as an opportunity to consider your library’s collections and what your library will do to stand for what’s right. This is not the time to stay silent or “neutral.”

I also found a few posts from the Book Riot archives that may be useful:

Now, on with the newsletter.

Collection Development Corner

Publishing News

New & Upcoming Titles

What Your Patrons Are Hearing About

RA/Genre Resources

On the Riot

All Things Comics

On the Riot


On the Riot

Book Lists, Book Lists, Book Lists



On the Riot

Level Up (Library Reads)

Do you take part in Library Reads, the monthly list of best books selected by librarians only? We’ve made it easy for you to find eligible diverse titles to nominate. Kelly Jensen created a database of upcoming diverse books that anyone can edit, and Nora Rawlins of Early Word is doing the same, as well as including information about series, vendors, and publisher buzz.

Stay safe and stay well, everyone. Black Lives Matter.

—Katie McLain Horner, @kt_librarylady on Twitter. Currently reading The First Prehistoric Serial Killer: and Other Stories by Teresa Solana.

Check Your Shelf

Retiring the RITAS

Welcome to Check Your Shelf.

Do we all need to collectively scream into the void together? You have my permission to do so.

Libraries & Librarians

News Updates

Cool Library Updates

Worth Reading

Book Adaptations in the News

Books & Authors in the News

Numbers & Trends

Award News

On the Riot

Enjoy the weekend, everyone. You deserve it.

—Katie McLain Horner, @kt_librarylady on Twitter.

Check Your Shelf

I Saw a Tiger, and the Tiger Saw a Man

Welcome to Check Your Shelf, where I am going to try not to talk about curbside services.

If you need a giggle, here’s an example of a criminal living his best life during quarantine – taking selfies with dinosaur skeletons. 

Collection Development Corner

Publishing News

New & Upcoming Titles

What Your Patrons Are Hearing About

RA/Genre Resources

On the Riot

All Things Comics

On the Riot


On the Riot

Book Lists, Book Lists, Book Lists



On the Riot

Level Up (Library Reads)

Do you take part in Library Reads, the monthly list of best books selected by librarians only? We’ve made it easy for you to find eligible diverse titles to nominate. Kelly Jensen created a database of upcoming diverse books that anyone can edit, and Nora Rawlins of Early Word is doing the same, as well as including information about series, vendors, and publisher buzz.

Keep on keeping on, everyone. I’ll see you on Friday.

—Katie McLain Horner, @kt_librarylady on Twitter.

Check Your Shelf

Don’t Leave Library Workers Out of the Narrative

Welcome to Check Your Shelf. We’re almost to Memorial Day weekend. I hope everyone gets a very well-deserved physical, emotional, and mental break.

Libraries & Librarians

News Updates

Cool Library Updates

Worth Reading

Book Adaptations in the News

Books & Authors in the News

Numbers & Trends

Award News

Bookish Curiosities & Miscellaneous

On the Riot

Enjoy the long weekend, but please keep social distancing! Keep on keeping on, everyone.

—Katie McLain Horner, @kt_librarylady on Twitter.

Check Your Shelf

New Book Sneak Peaks, and a Bunch of AAPI Heritage Month Recs

Welcome to Check Your Shelf. How the heck is it already the beginning of another week?

Collection Development Corner

Publishing News

New & Upcoming Titles

What Your Patrons Are Hearing About

RA/Genre Resources

On the Riot

All Things Comics

On the Riot


On the Riot

Book Lists, Book Lists, Book Lists



On the Riot

Level Up (Library Reads)

Do you take part in LibraryReads, the monthly list of best books selected by librarians only? We’ve made it easy for you to find eligible diverse titles to nominate. Kelly Jensen created a database of upcoming diverse books that anyone can edit, and Nora Rawlins of Early Word is doing the same, as well as including information about series, vendors, and publisher buzz.

Virtual hugs if you need them. Stay safe and healthy.

—Katie McLain Horner, @kt_librarylady on Twitter. Currently reading Shamed by Linda Castillo.

Check Your Shelf

I Miss the Library: And Other News Items

Welcome to Check Your Shelf. We’re a little light on news updates for this week, mainly because most of the news right now is about libraries furloughing and laying off employees. It’s been a rough week.

Libraries & Librarians

News Updates

Cool Library Updates

Worth Reading

Book Adaptations in the News

Books & Authors in the News

Award News

Bookish Curiosities & Miscellaneous

On the Riot

Keep on keeping on, everyone. Be kind to yourselves, and I’ll see you all next week.

Katie McLain Horner, @kt_librarylady on Twitter.

Check Your Shelf

Virtual BookExpo, Most Anticipated Books For Summer, and Daniel Radcliffe on Audio

Welcome to Check Your Shelf. I know a lot of libraries are starting to open up in the coming weeks, and you are all in my thoughts.

Collection Development Corner

Publishing News

New & Upcoming Titles

What Your Patrons Are Hearing About

RA/Genre Resources

On the Riot

All Things Comics

On the Riot


On the Riot

Book Lists, Book Lists, Book Lists



On the Riot

Level Up (Library Reads)

Do you take part in LibraryReads, the monthly list of best books selected by librarians only? We’ve made it easy for you to find eligible diverse titles to nominate. Kelly Jensen created a database of upcoming diverse books that anyone can edit, and Nora Rawlins of Early Word is doing the same, as well as including information about series, vendors, and publisher buzz.

Virtual hugs if you need them. Stay safe, healthy, and relatively sane.

—Katie McLain Horner, @kt_librarylady on Twitter. Currently re-reading The Good House by Tananarive Due.

Check Your Shelf

Digital Children’s Services From Around the World

Welcome to Check Your Shelf. I have found three families of fluffy baby ducks and geese on my afternoon walks, and today I saw a turtle belly flop into the water! That’s my update for the week.

Libraries & Librarians

News Updates

Cool Library Updates

Worth Reading

Book Adaptations in the News

Books & Authors in the News

Numbers & Trends

Award News

Pop Cultured

Bookish Curiosities & Miscellaneous

On the Riot

Keep on keeping on, everyone. I’ll see you all next week.

Katie McLain Horner, @kt_librarylady on Twitter.