Today In Books

99 Years After Ban Poem Gets English Translation: Today In Books

This edition of Today in Books is sponsored by ‘Until the Last Star Fades’ by Jacquelyn Middleton – available until February 15 for only $1.99!

Banned Punjabi Poem Gets English Translation

Khooni Vaisakhi by Nanak Singh was a poem written in 1920 on the Jallianwala Bagh massacre and banned after publication because of its critique of the British Raj. Singh wrote the poem after being at Jallianwala Bagh on April 13, 1919 where he fainted, after British troops opened fire on the unarmed protestors, and his body was piled with the dead. The once lost manuscript has been rediscovered and is being published in English.

Julie Murphy’s Next Book!

Has another adorable title and sounds as amazing as her previous works! Dear Sweet Pea will be her first middle-grade novel and it sounds so good. It follows a seventh grader who intercepts the town’s advice column letters and answers them herself. You can see the cover and read more about it here.

Could it be…SATAN?

The series adaptation of Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett’s Good Omens, releasing on May 31 on Amazon, has found its Satan: Benedict Cumberbatch. “Gaiman said that Cumberbatch’s Prince of Darkness will be ‘a giant, animated Satan’ who appears ‘400 foot high.‘” You can see Cumberbatch’s Satan for the first time on the sixth episode of the series.