Unusual Suspects

Lots Of History In These Mysteries!

Hello mystery fans! I didn’t plan it but it happened and I’m happy it did: there’s a lot of history here. I’ve got for you my favorite Sherlock, an amazing real life WWII spy, and a recent historical mystery series that is so good!

Sponsored by the audiobook edition of Saving Meghan by D. J. Palmer

Saving Megha audiobook coverFifteen-year-old Meghan has been in and out of hospitals with a plague of unexplained illnesses. But when the ailments take a sharp turn, clashing medical opinions begin to raise questions about the puzzling nature of Meghan’s illness. Doctors suspect Munchausen syndrome by proxy, a rare behavioral disorder where the primary caretaker seeks medical help for made-up symptoms of a child. Is this what’s going on? Or is there something even more sinister at hand?

My Favorite Sherlock!

The Hollow of Fear by Sherry Thomas cover imageThe Hollow of Fear (Lady Sherlock, #3) by Sherry Thomas: If you’ve yet to read this amazing historical mystery series–one of my all-time favorites–here is a review for the 1st two books in the series. Read that instead of this review–not to be bossy but don’t spoil it for yourself. And now back to the third in the series: it’s SO good. This series keeps getting better for me and I started at already-in-love-with-it from the first book. Charlotte is still pretending to be Sherlock Holmes in order to solve cases and this time she takes her cover one step further (!!) when Lord Ingram is accused of having murdered Lady Ingram. If you enjoy this series for the witty banter, the inhaling of desserts, the mystery solving, the sexual tension, the twists, and Charlotte’s ability to see what others don’t–especially in relation to society’s treatment of women–you are going to be very pleased. And do I have good news for you: the next book in the series, The Art of Theft, comes out in October! I can’t wait that long! Also, someone needs to adapt this into a TV or film series NOW.

Fantastic Nonfiction! (TW suicide/ torture/ concentration camps)

Code Name: Lise cover imageCode Name: Lise: The True Story of the Woman Who Became WWII’s Most Highly Decorated Spy by Larry Loftis: I inhaled this fantastic audiobook! It’s nonfiction that is written like a novel about Odette Sansom, who basically ended up a spy in WWII because she decided to take the test to prove she wouldn’t pass when the SOE was trying to recruit her. Spoiler: she passed! She left her young children and went off to be a courier during the war and was immediately nicknamed the Angry Gazelle–she was delightfully stubborn. This takes you into her training, her mission, and her capture… If you like spy novels/biographies don’t miss this one. And if you’re an audiobook listener go with the audiobook!

Another Great Historical Mystery! (TW suicide)

Death of a New American cover imageDeath of a New American (Jane Prescott #2) by Mariah Fredericks: And here’s another historical mystery series that I love. This series is set in early 1900’s New York and has a great balance between focusing on historical moments and solving the mystery, while dissecting the social classes. In the second book the Titanic has just sunk and it’s all everyone can talk about–along with all the phobia and hate against Italian immigrants. Ladies’ maid Jane Prescott is traveling with the family she works for as plans for the youngest’s wedding are underway. And then the nanny at the family estate, where they’re staying, is murdered in what appears to be a kidnapping gone wrong. I really love Prescott’s character and her sometimes sardonic personality. She was raised in a place that took in sex workers and trained them for other jobs and so she’s always been treated as an outcast, has a lifelong friendship with an Italian girl who was an anarchist, and believes in asking many questions and searching for answers rather than believing the first thing someone says. This is an excellent series for fans of historical mysteries.

Recent Releases

They All Fall Down by Rachel Howzell Hall cover imageThey All Fall Down by Rachel Howzell Hall (This great modern Agatha Christie retelling is now out! Review) (TW suicide/ eating disorder/ anxiety attacks)

The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women Killed by Jack the Ripper by Hallie Rubenhold (Currently reading: Finally a focus on the women who were murdered.)

Murder by Milkshake: An Astonishing True Story of Adultery, Arsenic, and a Charismatic Killer by Eve Lazarus (True Crime)

Cat Chase the Moon (Joe Grey #21) by Shirley Rousseau Murphy (Feline private investigator)

Someone Knows by Lisa Scottoline (Domestic thriller)

Our House by Louise Candlish (Paperback) (Good psychological suspense) (TW suicide, suicidal thoughts)

Love and Death in the Sunshine State: The Story of a Murder by Cutter Wood (Paperback) (True Crime)

Browse all the books recommended in Unusual Suspects previous newsletters on this shelf. And here’s an Unusual Suspects Pinterest board.

Until next time, keep investigating! And in the meantime, come talk books with me on Twitter, Instagram, and Litsy–you can find me under Jamie Canavés.

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