Today In Books

HARRY POTTER Book Ban Like It’s 1999: Today In Books

HARRY POTTER Book Ban Like It’s 1999

Today in “I had to check the date on this article several times”: Rev. Dan Reehil has had the Harry Potter book series removed from St. Edward Catholic School’s library because “These books present magic as both good and evil, which is not true, but in fact a clever deception.” The decision was not made lightly, though, as he consulted exorcists, several of whom recommended the books’ removal.

Library “Check Out” A Dog Event

If you’re recovering from the three-day weekend and/or are on hurricane watch and need something to awwwwwww about: on September 14th, the Vancouver Public Library, the Vancouver Park Board, and St. John Ambulance will be hosting an event where you can “check out” a dog and read poetry to it. “At Canine Library, all the dogs will be assigned a book of poetry that relates in some way to animals or parks.”

2019 Booker Prize for Fiction Shortlist Announced!

6 books are now in the running for the 2019 Booker Prize of £50,000 as the fiction shortlist was announced. Two authors may not surprise you, in name at least, but can you guess the other four?