Today In Books

Bye-Bye Superman’s Secret Identity: Today In Books

Bye-Bye Superman’s Secret Identity

If you’ve always argued no one would be fooled by a person’s true identity just because they put on glasses, then you’ll love this announcement: Superman Issue #18 had Superman reveal his real identity to the world. And this time it wasn’t a trick or a twist contained to one series, “this will be a permanent decision splashing big ripples across the DC Comics cosmos.”

He Is A Monster

We have a new, still dark, trailer for BBC One’s Dracula–he still wants your blood! The mini-series, obviously based on Bram Stoker’s novel, is created by the team that brought us BBC One’s Sherlock and will premiere on January 1st. It’s Netflix premiere date has yet to be announced.

Trust Exercise To Be Limited Series

To avoid any spoilers I’ll just say that I’m super curious to see how Trust Exercise by Susan Choi will be adapted to a limited series–especially since the author is set to write the adaptation. I felt like this was one of 2019’s titles that people either loved or hated so this is going to be really interesting, and will surely have many many opinionated articles once it’s developed.