Today In Books

Bookish COVID-19 Information Including Free Reads: Today In Books

Hello fellow bibliophiles, it’s been a week, so today’s newsletter will be a little different: we’ve rounded up all of our COVID-19 book related coverage. Stay informed. Stay safe. Stay entertained.

Scribd, the audiobook, ebook, and magazine subscription service, is offering 30 days of free access to their entire library of titles.

Audible has launched Audible Stories, a free service that offers family-friendly educational and entertaining audiobook content.

You can now download ten free ebooks on social and economic justice from Haymarket Books to read while social distancing.

LibraryThing is now free! Add, catalog, and organize unlimited books while stuck at home.

Chicago Public Libraries Need To Close Now To Save Lives

Cookbook authors are helping with what to cook during quarantine.

Nicole and Matthew discuss the COVID-19 pandemic through the lens of racism and social media, how the virus is impacting school kids and families, and how the kidlit community is responding.

Artists and writers are chronicling their journey with COVID-19 in interesting and thought-provoking ways.

Take this quiz to find your next 500+ page read!

Two major independent booksellers are laying off employees as they close their physical shops in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Free resources on the coronavirus pandemic to help you stay informed, from news outlets and newsletters to podcasts and more.

These closed-space book recommendations make for perfect quarantine reading.

The many reasons why library staff should not have to report to work as we work to stop the spread of COVID-19 on a global level.

Amy Adams and Jennifer Garner have partnered to launch #SAVEWITHSTORIES.

Amazon has been flooded by an influx of self-published books on coronavirus, many of which are plagiarized or contain false information.

Kidlit authors offering read alouds, drawing lessons, and other free resources for education and entertainment.