Kissing Books

Happy Pride Month!

Hello and welcome back to the Kissing Books newsletter! I hope that this last weekend was just the recharge you needed to take on this week. And Happy Pride Month, of course! Whether you’ve been out for years, are in the process of coming out, or still in the closet, know that you matter and you’re important. And I’m glad you’re here no matter what. Big hugs to you all, along with the true allies.

I recently finished an eARC of The Romance Recipe and lemme tell y’all that you’re in for a treat with that one when it comes out next month. I’m taking my time getting through Payback’s a Witch since it’s so delightful, and I also started Part of Your World. The baby goat on the cover totally got me.

Proud Romance Reader T-Shirt

Proud Romance Reader T-Shirt by TheDearWriterCo

I love the simplicity of this shirt. It’s direct and to the point, and it looks comfy as all get out. I could see myself lounging around in this with some leggings or shorts and reading all day. And it comes in a variety of colors as well! $23+

New Releases

cover of A Proposal They Can't Refuse

A Proposal They Can’t Refuse by Natalie Caña

Kamilah and Liam have roughly three things in common. Both are trying to save their respective family businesses, both are being blackmailed by their grandfathers into marrying each other to do so, and both have a mutual hatred of the other. When they decide to enter into a fake engagement to fool the two older men, they find themselves feeling a very real attraction.

cover of The Perfect Crimes of Marian Hayes

The Perfect Crimes of Marian Hayes by Cat Sebastian

Marian has just shot her husband and even though he had it coming (cue song), she knows that society won’t see it that way. Her only hope is known criminal Rob who she left tied up in a roadside inn hours earlier. When she returns to get him and promises him five hundred pounds if he can help her out of her predicament, they two embark on an adventurous and romantic journey through London with both of their pasts fast closing in behind them.

Be sure to subscribe to the New Books newsletter for a longer list of new releases.

Riot Recommendations

I’m one who tries to read diversely all year around but I also make a concerted effort to read specific books during specific months. So I will be reading more than a few LGBTQ books this month. As I mentioned in a recent article, I have gravitated more towards Sapphic romance as of late, so that is going to be the theme of my recommendations for today as well.

cover of once ghosted twice shy

Once Ghosted, Twice Shy by Alyssa Cole

When Likotsi runs into Fabiola on a stalled subway cart months after being ghosted, she agrees to one cup of tea if for no other reason than to find out what happened those months before. This novella is part of Cole’s Reluctant Royals series and was my first Sapphic romance novel but it certainly wasn’t my last! I really enjoyed this second chance romance that showed that you can forgive and move past hurt, especially when you know the full story.

cover image of Knit, Purl, and a Baby Girl by Hettie Bell

Knit, Purl, A Baby and a Girl by Hettie Bell

When Poppy finds herself unexpectedly pregnant from a one-night stand with an ex, she has no idea what to do. When she make the decision to keep the baby, she joins a knitting circle to help prepare for the baby clothes wise and gets closer to Rhiannon. I loved this book and I don’t think it’s gotten near enough love since its release last year. I found Poppy to be believable and endearing since she ultimately is doing what is best for her and the baby and can’t recommend it enough.

Be sure to also check out the I Heart SapphFic Pride Collection!

Make your way through this quiz and get matched up with a Marvel heartthrob.

I enjoyed this thread of books described like a r/relationship Reddit post.

Here’s the latest Trope Tuesday recommendations from Love’s Sweet Arrow.

And here’s a round-up of some of this year’s released and yet to come rom-coms.

And that’s all I have for you today. I’ll be back in your mailboxes on Thursday and in the meantime, you can always give me a follow over on Twitter under @PScribe801. Happy reading and stay hydrated!