Check Your Shelf

COVID-19: Close the Libraries

Hey, librarians. This is Check Your Shelf, and the majority of this newsletter is COVID-19 updates. Before I jump into the links, I want to say I hope you all are hanging in there as best as you can. I know there are a lot of libraries that still haven’t closed to the public, and a lot of libraries that have closed but are not paying their staff. This situation has brought out the best and the worst in a lot of people, and if you’re feeling lost, angry, confused, or paralyzed with anxiety, you’re not alone.

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On the Riot

I don’t even know what the next week will look like. Use whatever self care strategies you have at your disposal, be kind to yourself, stay inside as much as you can, and wash your hands.

Katie McLain Horner, @kt_librarylady on Twitter.