In The Club

In the Club

Welcome to In The Club, a newsletter of resources to keep your book group well-met, well-read, and well-fed. I really can’t believe it’s already August. I feel like July lasted for five minutes, but still managed to have Ms. Delta werk (get it? Rupaul + physics joke… I’ll stop) and give us this rise in COVID cases. SMH! I’m glad to be done with heat advisories (at least in my area), but sheesh!

On to the club!

Nibbles and Sips

In the spirit of the book topic, I wanted to use vegan Tiktoker and literal ray of sunshine, Tabitha Brown’s recipe for mac and cheese. Gone are the days of bland plant-based food! Here’s a pretty straightforward video of her making it, as well as a page with the instructions and ingredients more clearly listed. If you don’t know Tabitha, she makes vegan recipes that everyone will like, is super funny, and even read Wendy Williams for filth (lol).

Material World

The books I will discuss in today’s newsletter deal with consumerism as well as its effect on the environment. Consumerism and environmentalism are inextricably linked. Suzanne Jacobs from Grist explains this relationship well when she was summarizing research findings: “They found that consumerism was much higher in rich countries than in poor countries (surprise!) and that those with the highest rates of consumerism had up to 5.5 times the environmental impact as the world average.” It’s interesting to see how authors work these elements into their writing, using them as backdrops or even major plot points.

cover image of  a children's bible by Lydia Millet

A Children’s Bible by Lydia Millet

Here, Millet explores climate change with the use of biblical allegory in what has been described as a Lord of the Flies-style story. One summer, a group of teenagers and younger kids are dragged to a vacation home by their parents. The parents neglect their children because of their greater interest in alcohol and the kids, in turn, are ashamed and unwilling to claim them. When there is a storm, the parents forsake their children in favor of Ecstasy and the kids are left to fend for themselves.

Book Club Bonus: What is the significance of the Bible throughout the story? Also, what is being said by how the dynamics between the two generations is shown?

cover image of Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro

Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro

This has been getting a lot of praise lately (it’s on Obama’s summer reading list!), and for good reason. Klara is an android, or AF (“Artificial Friend”) who seems to be a lot more observant and perceptive than other AFs, and sometimes even actual humans. She stands in a store display people watching before a sick girl and her mother pick her out to take her home. This is a world where the class structures we currently experience are still very present and the planet has been polluted.

Book Club Bonus: How can one reconcile Klara’s obvious humanity with the ending? What is it saying about consumerism and its effects on the individual?

cover image of Salvage the Bones by Jesmyn Ward

Salvage the Bones by Jesmyn Ward

The other two books have mostly focused on characters with means. This novel is more realistic and focuses on some of those who may suffer because of overconsumption by the wealthy classes. Salvage the Bones is about a Black family in Mississippi that lives in poverty and how life is for them as they await Hurricane Katrina. The father neglects his children as he medicates himself with alcohol, and his kids are more independent and resourceful as a result. Esch, the novel’s protagonist, is fourteen and pregnant, and often seeks to escape her bleak reality by getting lost in stories (she loves Greek myths). This story of survival is brutal and bloody at times, but it can also be redemptive.

Book Club Bonus: Discuss the significance of myth and biblical allegory in the presence of floods/storms. Also, what themes surrounding motherhood are presented throughout?

cover image of Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead by Olga Tokarczuk

Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead by Olga Tokarczuk

Janina is an aging astrologist that house sits for some of her neighbors, who usually only return to their houses in the small Polish town for vacations. She also translates the poetry of William Blake. When bodies of some of her neighbors, people she knew that did not respect nature, turn up dead, she assumes that animals are taking their revenge. This is a mystery that has possible supernatural elements, with a main character who is eccentric and just as passionate about the lives of animals as she is that of humans.

Book Club Bonus: Discuss how women are regarded once they enter old age. How did this hamper the main character, and how did it benefit her?

Suggestion Section

Goodreads details comedian Ali Wong’s summer book picks

Points on keeping book clubs virtual by Christianna Silva at Mashable.

messy bookish tea 🍵: The sudden death of Scholastic’s CEO has unearthed some interesting things 👀

As always, thanks for hanging with me for a minute. If you have any comments or just want to connect, send an email to

See you next week,


In The Club

In the Club 07/28/21

Welcome to In The Club, a newsletter of resources to keep your book group well-met, well-read, and well-fed. This week I’m settling into my new digs in Jersey City, NJ. I’ve lived here before, but this feels like a new adventure, probably since it was a few years ago, I’m in a different apartment, and of course I now have this job. I’m definitely in a “new job, new phone, who dis?” mood.

I’m also happy to be near NYC again and able to visit my old haunts from when I was a 20-something-year-old scalawag, who did not traipse around Manhattan at all hours of the night with my friends acting grown *ahem*.

To the Club!

Nibbles and Sips

So stone fruit are very much in season now and I’ve been seeing fresh apricots each time I’ve been in my fav. new grocery store, Lidl. Seeing them there made me realize that I’ve never really had apricots unless they were dried and/or in preserves (or baked into brie). So obviously, I had to get some. I will say, they’re cute little fruit, albeit a little tart. I actually thought they would go perfectly in a tarte (ha!). New York Times Cooking came through with an apricot tart recipe that also has pistachios (which I love). The ingredients list is fairly short. Tip: If you can’t find phyllo dough, try puff pasty.

Now, let’s get into this week’s topic.

BIPOC Mental Health Month

July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. Sadly, I’ve only recently found out about this, but of course bringing awareness to mental health care within communities of color is a yearlong concern.

As with other issues pertaining to race and class, the issues surrounding mental health care and people of color is complex. On the one hand, colonizers have gone to great lengths to eradicate non-European cultural practices and convince us that our beliefs are not rooted in sanity. The many horrors of residency schools that have been surfacing lately are a great example of this attempt at cultural erasure (like this one in Colorado, Minnesota, and Canada). As a result, many of us have tried our best to avoid adding yet another stigma to an already fraught social standing by denying the presence of any mental health issues we may experience.

On the other hand, it has also been well documented how communities of color don’t receive much needed health care, mental health care included. The books I’ve included here bring us one step closer to where we should be in terms of understanding by showing what it’s like to 1) be of color, 2) have a mental illness, and 3) have both of those identities at the same time.

The following books need a trigger warning for: sexual abuse and assault, child abuse, domestic violence

cover of heartberries by Terese Marie Mailhot

Heart Berries by Terese Marie Mailhot

Mailhot tells a poetic and lyrical story of her experiences with child abuse and neglect, being bipolar, and an Indian. I almost felt at times like I was experiencing things as one of her friends or even as her. This is a result of her somewhat stream-of-conscious style of writing and how honest she was about everything. She could be cruel and selfish and contradicted herself at times. She could also be forgiving and vulnerable, and really just seemed to be in search of validation. I felt as though I was finding things out with her, including the huge revelation towards the end. This is a short read, but has so much packed into it.

Book Club Bonus: In the book, Mailhot is almost apologetic for merely existing as a poor child. What are some other seemingly unusual ways poverty influences children? Also, how may conflicting cultural views of the world (for instance, Indigenous views versus European views on things such as property and ownership) dictate one’s sense of self and place in the world when you belong to more than one culture?

cover image of the collected schizophrenias by Esme Wang

The Collected Schizophrenias by Esmé Weijun Wang

With this collection of essays, Wang chronicles her experiences with having late-stage Lyme disease, PTSD, and schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type. We follow Wang as she details her experiences with audible and visual hallucinations, her stay in mental hospitals, how she experienced PTSD following an abusive relationship, and more. There’s even a chapter that she wrote while experiencing a particular kind of psychosis known as Cotard’s delusion, which is a rare condition that causes someone to believe they are dead. She’s very honest about being ashamed of her mental illness when she confesses things like “I’m uncomfortable because I don’t want to be lumped in with the screaming man on the bus, or the woman who claims that she’s the reincarnation of God.”

Book Club Bonus: The criteria for having mental illness has changed through the years. How should we reconcile cultural differences in terms of spirituality, etc. with what is considered mental illness? Who dictates what is considered mental illness and what is not?

cover image of black girl unlimited by echo brown

Black Girl Unlimited by Echo Brown

Echo’s life as a wizard on the East Side is rife with substance abuse, child abuse, depression, racism, classism, and sexism. Despite this, there is magic everywhere. This YA coming-of-age story is a mix of surrealism and metaphor that shows how Black women’s resilience manifests as magic. This can be hard to read, but is so necessary.

Book Club Bonus: How can the idea of Black women being resilient actually be damaging? Also, how does this book explore intergenerational trauma?

Bonus Bonus: All of the books mentioned here focus on women/girls of color dealing with mental health issues. All of the books also have sexual assault. Discuss the intersection of mental health concerns with the prevalence of assault.

Suggestion Section

An article on how Reese Witherspoon’s book club is driving book sales. The impact of book clubs!

In case you hadn’t heard, Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen have a new book.

Here is a list of 2021 releases from Book Riot sure to start some great book club conversations!

Thanks for chilling with me! As always, If you have any comments or just want to connect, send an email to

See you next week,


In The Club

In the Club 07/21/21

Welcome to In The Club, a newsletter of resources to keep your book group well-met, well-read, and well-fed. Thanks for joining me for my second In the Club newsletter! As I continue to settle into Book Riot, I’m also trading in D.C. for N.Y.C. I love aspects of living in both areas, but the move comes just in time for me to avoid the onslaught of monstrous bugs no one told me the DMV had. To quote Shangela: Halleloo to that!

Let’s get to the club!

Nibbles and Sips

When the heat advisories caution me to stay inside, I listen. The time I do spend outside begs for an icy, refreshing companion. Since it’s summer, I figure that companion should be an alcoholic one. And I don’t know about you, but sometimes reading while just a little turnt makes for a mighty good time.

This watermelon mojito sounds really refreshing and is a combination of two of my summer loves. Making the watermelon purée can be a little annoying, so I recommend making it in batches if you think you’ll want more than a few (you will).

Now, for the books!

Location, Location

This week’s books will be ones where the setting is so fully fleshed out, it becomes its own character.

cover of heaven my home

Heaven, My Home by Attica Locke

The last we hear of nine-year-old Levi King is when he takes a small boat into Caddo Lake– a huge swampy lake that crosses the border from East Texas into Louisiana– and his boat’s motor just died. Texas Ranger Darren Mathews sets out to look for Levi, although it’s the white supremacists the boy is related to that really interest him. This is the second installation of a series following Darren Matthews after he forgoes a career as an attorney to protect and serve an area that wants him to do neither. He battles a faction of the Aryan Brotherhood all while racing against the clock to find a little boy who is being exposed to the harshest of elements. These elements are why I have grouped this book with the others. At times, Caddo Lake felt like its own living, breathing thing whose darkness could swallow you forever with no one the wiser.

Book Club Bonus: This brings about a great opportunity to talk about being a Black policeman or other authority figure. What challenges do officers of color face from their own community as well as from the white community?

cover of force of nature

Force of Nature: A Novel by Jane Harper

Five women go into the Australian wilderness for a work retreat. When the group makes it out of the forest, one of the women– Alice Russell– is missing. It turns out that Alice was also a whistleblower. Detective Aaron Falk investigates what might have happened to Alice and the story is told in the present as well as with well-timed flashbacks. As pieces of each woman’s past are revealed, it becomes clear that they’re not telling the whole truth. The setting– the Giralang Ranges, a fictional place meant to embody many aspects of the Australian bushland– may be what’s either keeping Alice or what has killed her. Harper’s description of the Australian wilderness is both beautiful and frightening. There’s a constant sense of dread as you feel the characters being watched by someone (or some thing) from the densely packed trees. The Ranges also offer danger in the form of intense weather and the threat of dangerous animals.

Book Club Bonus: This novel makes a bit of a statement on what we’re really like if you remove the mocha frappé lattes and what not (no shade). Do you feel this is an accurate portrayal of our inherent nature? Also, do you feel like the ending is believable?

cover of my sister the serial killer

My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite

Okay, so the title is literal. This girl’s sister, Ayoola, is literally a serial killer. Ummm… and she protects her. Yeah, couldn’t be me, but this is darkly funny and describes what life would be like if your sister was a vapid serial killer who called you to clean up her messes. Things become more complicated when Ayooola sets her sights on a doctor her sister fancies. Braithwaite makes the city of Lagos, Nigeria come alive. I felt like I was plopped right in the middle of the hustle and bustle to witness Ayoola’s murderous shenanigans.

Book Club Bonus: There’s a lot to explore here as far as familial loyalty is concerned. Also, how do female beauty standards in a patriarchal society play a role here?

cover of flyaway

Flyaway by Kathleen Jennings

This one is a little different from the others in that it’s not dealing so much with murder as it is with family secrets and horrors. It also takes place in a small town in Queensland, Australia. Bettina, a reserved girl whose mother has become the center of her world, has her life upended when she sees a message written on a white fence in her neighborhood. This message makes her question everything she knows about her family. Jennings’ mix of Australian lore, family dysfunction, and nuanced prose all combine in a setting that unnerves and is just as affected by the magical elements in the story as the characters are.

Book Club Bonus: What does this say about the element of control in families?

Suggestion Section

Billie Jean King’s All In is the L.A. Times Book Club’s August Pick.

Here are some details on Rapper Noname’s Book Club that meets virtually every month.

Royal-Tea 🍵 (get it? Okay, let me stop): Prince Harry is writing an ‘intimate and heartfelt’ memoir

Again, thanks for joining me! If you have any comments or just want to connect, send an email to


In The Club

In the Club 07/14/21

Welcome to In The Club, a newsletter of resources to keep your book group well-met, well-read, and well-fed.

Firstly, introductions are in order! My name is Erica and I’m new to In the Club and Book Riot overall. I’m super geeked to be a new Associate Editor (okurrt!) as well as the writer for this newsletter. I only hope that I am half as entertaining as Vanessa was. I’m going to warn you right now that, as you may have already noticed, I may make the occasional Cardi B. reference. I apologize in advance.

To the club!!

Nibbles and Sips

I just spent a wonderful birthday week in New Orleans, courtesy of the good sis Pfizer, and thought I’d share one of the many new things I tried while there. Although I got to sample all the heartier dishes, like étouffée, gumbo, and jambalaya, I figured I’d share something a little more low-key. If you’re up for it, please try these wonderful Creole pralines. Yes, they’re full of sugar, but I think we all deserve a treat for dealing with this heat!

New Orleans was as musical as it’s rumored to be, and it’s got me in a jazzy, nostalgic mood. I’d like to keep the N’awlins vibes going just a while longer as I discuss books set in the idyllic Jazz Age. Now let’s get to the books!

The Other 20s

gods of jade and shadow

Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

I love mythology! Couple that with an intriguing setting like Mexico City in the 20s, and I’m good to go. I essentially finished this one in a day and a half with a combination of the physical copy as well as the audiobook (which I highly recommend!).

Here, we follow Casiopea Tun as she carries out her life as little more than a servant in her grandfather’s house. She discovers a curious box in his room and opens it, accidentally freeing the Mayan God of Death, Hun-Kamé. The romance that manifests during the journey they take to return Hun-Kamé to his rightful throne is juxtaposed against vivid descriptions of the Mayan underworld and skirmishes with those that oppose his return.

Book Club Bonus: There’s a good opportunity here to discuss how Mayan mythology compares with other religions, mythology, and lore. What similarities are there? What differences? Also, how do colorism and colonialism play a role in the social hierarchy here? Why did Casiopea have the status she did in her grandfather’s house?

cover of dead dead girls

Dead Dead Girls by Nekesa Afia

Louise Lloyd is a young, queer Black woman living in Harlem in the 1920s. As a teenager, someone tried to violently kidnap her. Although she got away, this ever-present threat of violence finds her again as Black girls are murdered in her neighborhood. After being arrested following an episode of police brutality, she’s given the option to help solve the murders in exchange for her freedom. This is maybe what the show Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries would be with the addition of 20s-era racism+sexism. It’s also the first in a series called the Harlem Renaissance Mysteries, so there’s more to look forward to.

Book Club Bonus: Discuss the prevalence of violence in women’s lives, and the compounding effect of otherness (being queer, a person of color, and/or disabled). What may be some of the lasting effects of these kind of experiences? Also, how did you like the structure of the mystery (how the killer was revealed) compared to other murder mysteries?

zora Neale hurston and langston hughes drawn

Zora and Langston by Yuval Taylor

This gives a rare glimpse into Zora Neale Hurston’s and Langston Hughes’ intense friendship that shaped the Harlem Renaissance. Their friendship was such that they wrote intimate letters to each other, traveled the rural South in Hurston’s car collecting Black lore (that would later be used in plays and books like Barracoon), and collaborated on creative projects (Mulebone). Their intimacy also meant they shared a patron in the form of a controlling white woman named Charlotte Osgood Mason, who went by “Godmother.” Despite such intimacy, their friendship would be forever damaged in the early 30s.

Book Club Bonus: Discuss what the cost of patronage was as a Black artist. What were the different stances on respectability and how did Zora and Langston fit within them? Why did Zora die in obscurity while Langston remained a well respected literary figure?

Suggestion Section

Luckily for us, Obama has shared his summer reading list, so you can have even more things to add.

Here’s yet another super handy link to the tea 🍵 on other book clubs from all over the interwebs.

And, as always, there are also our other newsletters to keep you well-read.

Thanks for staying a while! If you have any comments or just want to connect, send an email to