True Story

Nonfiction at the Opera and on the Small Screen

Happy Friday, fellow nonfiction nerds! On my trip last weekend I ended up listening to all six episodes of The Dropout from ABC Radio, a deep-ish dive into the story of Theranos and Elizabeth Holmes. I liked it quite a bit – it’s both a good follow up to Bad Blood by John Carreyrou and a good primer on the scandal if you’re not already familiar. So… basically good for everyone!

This week’s nonfiction news is all pretty interesting — upcoming adaptations for two books I loved, a secretive book announcement, and a celebration of the contributions women made during World War II (with a bookish connection). Let’s go!

Sponsored by Crazy Plant Lady, written and illustrated by Isabel Serna.

You know you’re a crazy plant lady when… Watering is a hobby You can’t resist a cute pot Just looking at your plants brings you happiness An illustrated celebration of the plant lady lifestyle, this charming little book proves that plant love is the joy that keeps growing.

The Minnesota Opera has commissioned a new work based on The Song Poet, an award-winning memoir by Kao Kalia Yang. The book tells the story of “her family and in particular, her song poet father Bee Yang, as war forces them from Laos into a Thai refugee camp and ultimately on to St Paul.” The opera is going to be part of the organization’s youth training program in 2021, and might be the first time a Hmong story will be presented in this format. I read this memoir last year and loved it – highly recommended.

Susan Orlean’s The Library Book, is going to be adapted for television. The book is an excellent account of the 1986 fire at the Los Angeles Public Library and exploration of contemporary public libraries, is going to be adapted for television. According to Variety, Orlean will adapt the book and serve as an executive producer on the project. I can’t quite figure out how an adaptation is going to work – the story of the fire is interesting, but seems a little slim for a tv series – but I do love the idea of a show that tells the story of libraries. So, we’ll see on this one.

Anderson Cooper is writing two more books! He’ll be partnering with historical fiction writer Katherine Howe on two works of nonfiction, the first scheduled for release in 2022. More to come here, I can only assume.

And finally, my favorite thing of this entire week (although it happened a few weeks ago). Last month, the Veterans History Project at the Library of Congress hosted a reunion of World War II “Code Girls” – women recruited by the Army and Navy as secret code breakers during the war. Their story was shared in a 2017 book, Code Girls by Liza Mundy. So cool!

And that’s the end! You can find me on Twitter @kimthedork, on email at, and co-hosting the For Real podcast here at Book Riot. In this week’s episode, Alice and I talked about con men, lobster races, and literary murders. Happy reading! – Kim

Today In Books

Scribd Starts Original Content With Mueller Book: Today In Books

This edition of Today in Books is sponsored by Own It.: Make Your Anxiety Work for You by Caroline Foran.

Own It cover image

Scribd Starts Original Content With Mueller Book

Scribd, the ebook and audiobook subscription service, has now started to produce original content and it’s started with Mueller’s War by Garrett Graff. Graff, a journalist, has written about Mueller’s time in the Vietnam War when he served as a Marine. If that’s not your thing, don’t worry, they’ll be releasing one new original work a month and the upcoming lineup will have works from Roxane Gay, Mark Seal, Hilton Als, Peter Heller, and Paul Theroux.

Girl, Wash Your Face Author Accused Of Plagiarism

Rachel Hollis’ success as an author of Girl, Wash Your Face and Girl, Stop Apologizing–along with the Instagram content she posts to millions of followers–is being called out in various places claiming that Hollis borrowed from others without giving credit. Ya know, plagiarism. You can see the accusations and examples here.

Netflix Didn’t Cancel The Umbrella Academy

Netflix renewed the adaptation of Gerard Way‘s graphic novel for a second season! I for one am now torn between reading all the volumes in the comic book series or waiting to finish the show–which should I let spoil the other for me?!

Swords and Spaceships

Swords and Spaceships Apr 5

Hello and happy Friday, hackers and hellhounds! Today we’ve got the Hugo Awards finalists announcement, Baba Yaga reads, divine costuming, cookie drama, a review of The Vela Season 1, and more.

This newsletter is sponsored by The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling.

the luminous deadDesperate to earn money to get off of her backwater planet, Gyre lied her way onto this solo cave expedition. But the fat paycheck should have meant a skilled surface team to keep her safe. Instead, she got Em. Em controls Gyre’s body with drugs and withholds critical information. She knows about Gyre’s lies, and uses them as a leash. As Gyre descends, inconsistencies begin to make her paranoid: missing supplies, unexpected route changes, and shifts in Em’s motivations. Gyre must overcome more than just dangerous terrain and the Tunneler which calls underground home if she wants to make it out alive.

Before we get into the nitty gritty, I am delighted to announce our newest podcast! Kidlit These Days covers picture books and middle grade novels, and if you love kids books and/or find yourself gifting them regularly, you’ll want to give it a listen.

Speaking of podcasts, the special book club episode of SFF Yeah! that I’ve been teasing for weeks is live! Ausma Zehanat Khan (The Black Khan) and I talked about eugenics, strong female characters, Arab representation, and did some fancasting for Dune by Frank Herbert.

The Hugo Award finalists have been announced! It is an amazing list, and I’m super excited for The Skiffy and Fanty Show podcast’s Best Fancast nomination — Book Riot contributor Alex Wells and sound engineer Jen Zink are both involved, and I am happily firing a confetti cannon on their behalf.

I am a huge fan of Baba Yaga (despite only recently having learned the correct pronunciation, which is ‘BA-ba ya-GA’), so this list of five reads about her is definitely in my wheelhouse.

I have not watched the TV adaptation of American Gods at all yet, but this round-up [SYFY WIRE] of the best costumes so far is excellent. (Gillian Anderson!!!!)

It is finally Spring, and I know because I was able to go outside without a coat twice already this month! Glorious. In addition to warmer weather, April is also bringing us some exciting new reads [SYFY WIRE].

This just made me hungry: as part of their promotion with Game of Thrones, Oreo remade the title sequence [YouTube] entirely with cookies. Well played.

And now, let’s talk about why you should tune in to The Vela by Yoon Ha Lee, Becky Chambers, S.L. Huang, and Rivers Solomon:

Currently available in audio; omnibus ebook coming late 2019.

a small spaceship travels between two blue, dark-looking planets amidst floating debrisThat author line-up, though! That alone is probably enough for some of you to dive in. For the rest, there are five episodes currently available in Season 1 of The Vela and I am here to tell you that it’s one hell of a ride.

The Vela begins with Agent Asala Sikou, a veteran soldier and sniper who is hired by the president of the planet Khayyam to guard the visiting dictator from neighboring planet Gan-De. Their entire solar system is in peril: their sun is dying, due in part to Khayyam’s over-harvesting of hydrogen, and the Outer Planets have already become inhabitable, leading to a refugee crisis. Gan-De is notoriously isolationist and while Khayyam is not much better, President Ekrem has sent a state-of-the-art ship to bring high-profile refugees back to Khayyam. The ship goes missing, an attack is made on General Cynwrig, and Asala must try to solve both problems.

A former refugee herself, Asala is a prickly and solitary character who wants nothing more than to stay out of politics, do her job, and get paid. But this mission and her unwanted sidekick Niko, a young hacker who is also the child of President Ekrem, are forcing her to relive her own past and question her priorities. As Asala and Niko head out into the ‘verse to find answers, they only end up with more questions — and no one is being completely honest about what they know. High-stakes hijinks ensue, including ground and space battles, double agents, AI, and prison breaks (whew!).

Huang and Lee are clear choices for a story like this: both excel at action sequences, and Lee has made his mark on space opera with The Machineries of Empire series. Rivers Solomon and Becky Chambers are interesting additions — Chambers is aces at character development and space stories, and it’s fun to see her flex her action-sequence chops (which are considerable, it turns out). Solomon, whose novel An Unkindness of Ghosts is a personal favorite, holds their own as well; I loved the blend of character background and covert ops in Episode 3.

As I mentioned, there are currently five episodes live; I should note here that I have read them, rather than listened, so I can’t speak to the sound of the episodes. But I have been lucky enough to get to read through Episode 10, so believe me when I say that this story will keep you on the edge of your seat. The pacing is cleverly thought out; the world-building is richly detailed; the cast is intriguing and diverse in gender, sexuality, culture, and ethnicity. I cannot wait to see where The Vela goes as it continues to develop.

And that’s a wrap! You can find all of the books recommended in this newsletter on a handy Goodreads shelf. If you’re interested in more science fiction and fantasy talk, you can catch me and my co-host Sharifah on the SFF Yeah! podcast. For many many more book recommendations you can find me on the Get Booked podcast with the inimitable Amanda, or on Twitter as jennIRL.

Your fellow booknerd,

The Stack


Today’s The Stack is sponsored by Dynamite Entertainment

Nancy Drew is seventeen and good at everything, but life hits a snag when a mysterious message drags her back to the hometown she left behind. There she’ll have to find out which of her friends are still her friends, which are enemies, and who exactly is trying to kill her…and (hopefully) stop them before they succeed.

Riot Rundown


Today’s Riot Rundown is sponsored by Unscripted by Claire Handscombe.

Nobody is a bigger fan of actor Thomas Cassidy than Libby is. Nobody. That’s why she’s totally going to marry him. She’s going to write a novel, name the main character after Thom, and find a way to get it to him. Intrigued and flattered, he will read it, and ask to turn it into a movie. Their eyes will meet over the script… and fade to black. But with four interwoven lives in play, can anything be that simple? Thoughtful, quirky, and moving, Unscripted is a story of friendship and second chances, and asks the question: how far can you take your dream?

Check Your Shelf

Librarian Horror Stories, More RITA Updates, and All the 2019 April Book Lists

Welcome to Check Your Shelf! This is your guide to help librarians like you up your game when it comes to doing your job (& rocking it).

“Check Your Shelf” is sponsored by Babymoon by Hayley Barrett and Juana Martinez-Neal.

Baby has arrived! The world is eager to meet the newcomer, but there will be time enough for that later. Right now, the family is on its babymoon: cocooning, connecting, learning, and muddling through each new concern. While the term “babymoon” is often used to refer to a parents’ getaway before the birth of a child, it was originally coined by midwives to describe days like these: at home with a newborn, with the world held at bay and the wonder of a new family constellation unfolding. A lyrical ode to these tender first days will resonate with families everywhere.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Check Your Shelf survey! You had some great feedback, and you’ve given me some interesting ideas for the newsletter…I’ll be getting my ducks in a row over the next few weeks, but I’m definitely planning on incorporating some of your ideas! You guys rock! And thank you so much for reading!

And don’t forget, we’ve got a new podcast, hosted by author and BR contributor Karina Glaser and children’s librarian Matthew Winner! It’s called Kidlit These Days and you can subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or your favorite podcatcher.

Buckle up, y’all. This is a long newsletter this week!

Libraries & Librarians

Book Adaptations in the News

Books & Authors in the News

Upcoming Books in 2019

By the Numbers

Award News

What’s Going On With the RITAs?

The saga continues…

Pop Cultured

All Things Comics


Book Lists, Book Lists, Book Lists

Bookish Curiosities & Miscellaneous

Level Up (Library Reads)

Do you take part in LibraryReads, the monthly list of best books selected by librarians only? We’ve made it easy for you to find eligible diverse titles to nominate. Kelly Jensen created a database of upcoming diverse books that anyone can edit, and Nora Rawlins of Early Word is doing the same, as well as including information about series, vendors, and publisher buzz.


Thanks for hanging out and I’ll see you again next week!

–Katie McLain, @kt_librarylady on Twitter. Currently reading The Five by Hallie Rubenhold.

Today In Books

Microsoft Closing Ebook Program And Taking Back Your Library: Today In Books

This edition of Today in Books is sponsored by Babymoon by Hayley Barrett and Juana Martinez-Neal.

Microsoft Closing Ebook Program And Taking Back Your Library

The Microsoft Store no longer has a books category. If you’d previously purchased or rented ebooks you will only have access to them until the beginning of July and then they will disappear. While Microsoft will offer refunds this feels like a big reminder of why DRM-locked media is something I’ve never been a fan of.

Jenny Lawson Will Open A Bookstore

Author and journalist Jenny Lawson plans to open a bookstore in San Antonio (YAY!) and wants to hear your ideas for what makes a bookstore amazing. Also, you know, if you spot a great space in San Antonio, let her know. Read her announcement here.

$1.25 Million Pledge To Classroom Libraries

Author James Patterson will be donating $250 each to 4,000 teachers and $500 each to 500 teachers with three or less years experience to help them purchase books. And Scholastic Book Club will match Patterson’s donations with book club bonus points. Teachers have until July 31st to apply for the grant–make sure you share this with your teacher friends.

Book Radar

Lupita Nyong’o Wrote a Children’s Book and More Book Radar!

It’s Thursday again! Funny how that happens. I have had a delightful week, full of books and…well, books. But that’s all I want, so it works out! Speaking of books, it’s the Dewey’s Readathon again this weekend. I’ll be running their Litsy account – I hope you can join us. There’s still time to sign up! I have some fun stuff to share with you today. And I’ll be back on Monday with more great stuff to tell you. I hope whatever you’re doing, you have a great rest of your week, and remember to be kind to yourself and others.  – xoxo, Liberty

Sponsored by A Nearly Normal Family by M.T. Edvardsson, published by Celadon Books.

Eighteen-year-old Stella stands accused of the brutal murder of a man almost fifteen years her senior. She is an ordinary teenager from an upstanding local family. What reason could she have to know a shady businessman, let alone to kill him? Stella’s father, a pastor, and mother, a criminal defense attorney, find their moral compasses tested as they defend their daughter, while struggling to understand why she is a suspect. Told in an unusual three-part structure, A Nearly Normal Family asks the questions: How well do you know your own children? How far would you go to protect them?

Trivia question time! Who said, “I can’t explain inspiration. A writer is either compelled to write or not. And if I waited for inspiration I wouldn’t really be a writer.” (Scroll to the bottom for the answer.)

Deals, Reals, and Squeals!

furiously happyJenny Lawson, aka The Bloggess, might be opening a bookstore.

Lupita Nyong’o has a children’s book coming in October!

The Goodman Theatre is adapting The Outsiders.

Umbrella Academy has been renewed for a second season by Netflix.

Danielle Brooks to star in Shakespeare in the Park’s Much Ado About Nothing.

Reese Witherspoon chose The Night Tiger by Yangsze Choo as her next book club pick.

Steve Hamilton, Reed Farrel Coleman, and Meg Gardiner have joined Blackstone Publishing.

Paramount TV, Anonymous to adapt Susan Orlean’s The Library Book.

Minnesota Opera adapts St. Paul writer’s memoir The Song Poet.

Disney announces Shuri-centric animated special for Marvel Rising.

Sarah J. Maas announced House of Earth and Blood, coming January 2020.

Sneak Peeks

avengers endgameHere’s the new trailer for Avengers: Endgame.

And the first trailer for Joker with Joaquin Phoenix.

Book Riot Recommends 

At Book Riot, I work on the New Books! email, the All the Books! podcast about new releases, and the Book Riot Insiders New Release Index. I am very fortunate to get to read a lot of upcoming titles, and learn about a lot of upcoming titles, and I’m delighted to share a couple with you each week so you can add them to your TBR! (It will now be books I loved on Mondays and books I’m excited to read on Thursdays. YAY, BOOKS!)

Excited to read:

butterfly yellowButterfly Yellow by Thanhha Lai (HarperCollins, September 3)

I love, love, love Lai’s middle grade novels Inside Out and Back Again and Listen, Slowly, so I cannot wait to see what she does for her YA debut! It’s about a brother and sister who are split apart during the Vietnam War – he is taken to America while she is left behind – and their reunion sixteen years later.

What I’m reading this week.

gods of jade and shadowGods of Jade and Shadow: A Novel by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow

Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir (Yes, again.)

And this is funny.

How lucky we are to be alive right now.

Trivia answer: Toni Morrison.

You made it to the bottom! High five. Thanks for reading! – xo, L

Kissing Books

Six Diverse Jane Austen Retellings

Happy Thursday! The weekend is almost here (for some of us, at least), and every new April day gets us closer and closer to an 80-foot Chris Evans In A Henley.

(Oh, I guess that’s just my countdown? Sorry. Let’s Books.)

Sponsored by Misadventures with My Ex, from Waterhouse Press.

Weston Quaid left Eryn Hope standing at the altar three years ago, but when circumstances reunite them, their attraction to each other burns hotter than ever. A daring arrangement brings them closer, but does their relationship end when the arrangement does, or are they finally built to last?

Over on Book Riot

Get a free Brenda Novak book!

Jamie’s looking for our favorite books featuring librarians. I’d bet we’ve got a few to share!

Who’s never looking for new Jane Austen retellings?! These six books reshape the work of the Grand Dame of Romantic Stories into something modern and universal, and are set in North America and elsewhere.

Want to read KJ Charles but not sure where to start? Check out this Reading Pathway! (And then read everything else she’s written because it’s all amazing.) (I can’t really say that because I haven’t read it all, not even every book of hers that I own.)

I am the worst podcast host on the planet. You know why? Because—once again—I forgot to link you to our most recent episode of When In Romance, which went up last Monday. Stay tuned for the next one, which will have a special treat!

And speaking of podcasts, there’s a new one! This one is especially for those of you who might need to listen to something in the car with your kids: Kidlit These Days. Check it out!


cover of because of miss bridgertonHave you already read and loved the Bridgerton series? If your answer is yes, maybe it’s time to start a new Julia Quinn series. And Because of Miss Bridgerton is 1.99 right now. It’s a prequel series, which takes place in the Georgian era—a nice change from all the Regencies, I guess.

Trying to figure out where to start with Brenda Jackson? Instead of jumping into the Westmorelands (there are like 95 now), how about the Forged of Steele books? The first book, Solid Soul is 1.99, and the rest of the series is discounted as well.

New Books!

Shortly after writing last Thursday’s Kissing Books, I finished Mrs. Martin’s Incomparable Adventure. So, I started a book. Then I started another one. And put that aside and tried another. None of them were bad—actually they were all pretty great. But I couldn’t make up my mind what I wanted to finish first! One was pretty backlist; it came out a few years ago. One just came out last week. One comes out next week, and another comes out the week following. I couldn’t decide how far in advance I wanted to read, so I just came back to the one from last week. (I’ll talk about the backlist one on Monday, though!)

cover of hook shot by kennedy ryanHook Shot
Kennedy Ryan

There’s been some discussion on Kennedy Ryan’s HOOPS series on twitter lately, mostly about the first book, Long Shot. That one, the first in the series, is one of the few books by authors of color on the RITA finalist list, so it’s resurfaced now, even though the third book in the series recently emerged. I have not read Long Shot or Block Shot, but had a chance to read Hook Shot and it sounded worth checking out. I recall Trisha mentioning that it’s a hard book, and the link that I shared indicates ALL THE TRIGGER WARNINGS.

Hook Shot also has content warnings, but I’m not far enough in to tell you if anything is discussed on the page. I can tell you that there is discussion of family-related sexual violence, as well as former partners pushing set boundaries, and if that’s not your thing, skip this book.

If you are not affected by that kind of content, and are interested in experiencing the dynamics between a woman who has gone “off dick” in order to figure out her own issues with intimacy, sex, and other things, and the recently-divorced baller who believes strongly in controlling the situation for the benefit of all, this is a book you might want to check out. Kennedy Ryan’s writing is lush. Her characters are complete, and you want to break as they’re breaking just to be put back together the same way. Talia Hibbert gave it five stars, and really that was all I needed to pick it up.

Have you read any of the HOOPS books? What do you think?

Other recent releases I’m looking forward to picking up:

cover of The Takeover Effect by Nisha SharmaThe Takeover Effect by Nisha Sharma

Arctic Sun by Annabeth Albert

Speak No Evil by JR Gray

I Want You Back by Lorelei James

Engaging The Enemy by Reese Ryan

Yes, Chef by T. Neilson

Breaking His Rules by Aliza Mann

As usual, catch me on Twitter @jessisreading or Instagram @jess_is_reading, or send me an email at if you’ve got feedback, book recs, or just want to say hi!



We’re giving away digital copies of Finding Our Forever by Brenda Novak in DRM-free epub, mobi, and pdf formats to Book Riot readers!

Here’s what it’s all about:
Cora Kelly has found her birth mother at last. Aiyana Turner runs New Horizons Boys Ranch in Silver Springs, CA. Cora gets a job teaching there, but she doesn’t want to divulge her true identity unless she knows Aiyana will welcome the news. And when she meets Elijah Turner, her mother’s adopted son and ranch manager, she has even more reason to keep her secret….

Go here to enter for a chance to win, or just click the cover image below!