This Week In Books

The Only List of “Best Books” Lists You Need: This Week in Books

Bit of a light news week as temperatures fall and the holidays turn up. Enjoy some potpourri!

Master List of “Best Books of 2016” Lists

For nine years running now, David Gutowski is aggregating every ‘best of’ list he can find at his beloved site Largehearted Boy. At writing, the list is more than 400 lists strong, with entries ranging from the usual suspects (best fiction, best memoirs, etc.) to the unexpected and esoteric (best historical geology books, for example). The breadth and depth of Gutowski’s collected lists is always stunning, and it serves as a nice reminder that in any given year, even the most voracious of readers only cracks the surface of the available and deserving material.

New Program Offers Croatian Readers 100,000 Free eBooks

A group of government agencies and private donors have partnered with ebook platform Total Boox to create Croatia Reads, a new program built on that offers Croatian residents and tourists alike free unlimited access to the 100,000 bestselling ebooks in the world. Details about how the list was compiled are few, and I would love to know more. This is the first experiment of this size and scope I’ve seen, and if it works, what amazing potential for making more books more available to more people!

NYPL Transforms Former Apartment into Teen Tech Center

In the early twentieth century, many branches of the New York Public Library contained hidden apartments to house custodians charged with shoveling coal to keep the furnaces running overnight. Thirty-two of the current branches once contained these apartments, though only a few remain, and the venerable institution has done all kinds of cool things with them. Most recently, the apartment in the Washington Heights branch was turned into a (now-open) center for after-school activities, media and computer programs, and more for teen patrons. Hard to think of a better way to bring a glorious old building into the present. (And here’s a free idea for the romance writers in the house: an early-20th-century romp between a bookish beauty and a library custodian who invites her up for a closer look at his….shelves.)

Book Riot Reveals 2017 Read Harder Challenge

This update is coming from inside the house! Book Riot has revealed the third annual Read Harder Challenge, created by founding contributor Rachel Manwill. As always, the challenge contains 24 tasks intended to help you expand your reading life and explore new genres, subjects, and perspectives. New this year are six tasks contributed by some of the Riot’s favorite authors, including Roxane Gay, Celeste Ng, and Daniel José Older. If you’re looking for a readerly resolution for the new year, look no further.

We’re giving away a $250 Barnes & Noble shopping spree. Go here to enter.


What's Up in YA

2016 in YA at Book Riot: A Look Back at Our Best

Hey YA Readers!


We’re giving away a $250 gift card to Barnes & Noble for a shopping spree. Go here to enter.  


As the year is winding down, let’s use this issue of “What’s Up in YA?” to look back at some of the most popular posts on Book Riot relating to YA lit this year. Don’t forget to share your favorite 2016 books in this form by Wednesday. The last issue of 2016 for this newsletter will be a round-up of your favorite reads and titles you wish more people would pick up.


Thanks for hanging out & we’ll see you again next week with a round-up of your favorite YA books from 2016.

The Goods

Free Shipping on All US Orders

The clock is about to strike midnight! Today is the last day to get free shipping on all US orders and standard delivery by Christmas Eve. You know what to do. Wrap up your shopping now!


The Stack


Today’s The Stack is sponsored by Playster.

playster_logo_200wPlayster is the world’s first all-in-one entertainment service. It takes care of everything — comics, ebooks, audiobooks, music, movies, TV shows and games — and gives you unlimited access to millions of titles for one flat monthly fee. That’s right! Playster lets you enjoy unlimited comics, audiobooks and ebooks — no restrictions, no credit systems.

The service is accessible through all web browsers, and Playster’s Android and iOS apps, on virtually any device. The offline mode lets you save all of your favorites for on-the-go reading when there’s no Internet access around. Sign up today to get your free 30 day trial!

Riot Rundown


We’re giving away a 12-month Audible membership.
Go here to enter.



Audiobooks!: December 15, 2016

rha-176-snowman-1080px-instaThis week’s Audiobooks! Newsletter is sponsored by

Traveling for the holidays? Make your trip more enjoyable with an audiobook! Plug into a bestseller to catch up on some reading or play a title the whole family can enjoy! Visit for a full free download for your listening pleasure.

Gather ’round, audiobook fans! My plan today was to give you guys a round-up of all the amazing audiobooks that have gotten shout outs on Best of 2016 lists. But then I actually looked at those lists. And I was bored.

One audiobook site wanted me to surrender my email address to see their picks. Another site gave top honors to books by white men in categories where they were up against The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead and The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin. Uh, what? Soon, the major awards arm of the audiobook industry will announce their finalists, and I’ll again wonder who on earth these picks are supposed to be for. They’re not for me, and they’re not for new fans who are getting jazzed about up-and-coming authors like Malka Older, Kanae Minato, Manuel Gonzales, and so on.

Audiobook publishing has gotten super exciting, and the recent growth curve for audiobooks is BASICALLY indistinguishable from a black diamond ski run. My fingers are crossed that audiobook media will catch up!

2 More Audiobooks For Your TBR

I love finding new-to-me authors at Book Riot Live, and this fall it was Sara Farizan and Tara Clancy. I queued up If You Could Be Mine and The Clancys of Queens faster than you can say “Reginald the Pigeon,” and both made my heart sing and my stomach flip.

If You Could Be Mineif-you-could-be-mine-audio by Sara Farizan is about two young women who’ve been in love since childhood. But they live in Iran, where being a woman who loves another woman is punishable by death. Sex reassignment surgery is perfectly legal, though. Could this be the answer to their predicament? This story has all the ingredients of a great YA book: angst, secret smooching, forbidden love, heartache. But it’s also unexpectedly hilarious! Sara Farizan has the BEST deadpan humor in person, and Negin Farsad brings this out in spades in her narration of the book. Farsad is an Iranian-American comedian, and she just gets Farizan in a way that allows her to wring every last drop of humor from an otherwise heartbreaking story. One of my fave listens this year! <3

clancys-of-queens-audioYou might already know Tara Clancy from her storytelling performances on The Moth. This lady was born to tell stories, and she’s perfected her art in front of the toughest crowds: Irish Catholic bar-goers in Queens (!). Her memoir The Clancys of Queens was born of her desire to read stories about working class women in New York, of which she can still name only one: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. With a boatload of humor and charm, Clancy tells about her childhood growing up between worlds, her parents’ divorce, and coming out to her ex-cop dad as a young adult. Her distinctive Queens accent is its own larger-than-life character, and these stories are just meant to be listened to.

Book Riot’s 25 Best Audiobooks of 2016

the-mothers-audio2016 was such an exciting year for audiobooks! Halfway through the year, we just couldn’t wait and we rounded up our favorites thus far. Now we get to share the rest! Presenting 25 excellent audiobooks in all: from Imbolo Mbue to Hope Jahren, we think there’s a little something here for everyone.

Raise Your Hand If You Want a Free 12-Month Audible Membership!

Young african american man in white shirt listens headphones in a parkMe, me, my hand is raised! Oh wait, Book Riot employees aren’t eligible? FINE. You guys, Book Riot is giving away a 12-month Audible membership! The membership includes one free audiobook per month for a year, discounted member prices on all titles, and access to Audible’s occasional member-only sales. To enter, just sign up for one of our newsletters. Full details here, and the giveaway closes this Sunday December 18 at midnight Eastern… so get to it.

The Goods

Book Mail resend 12/14

  1. Put some books in a box.
  2. Delight!

The new Book Mail box is here, and it’s a glorious books-within-books bonanza. Get two rad reads and an assortment of bookish goodies, plus exclusive original content from one of the authors, for just $60 including shipping. Get one before they’re gone.


In the mood for a different flavor? We held on to some of our past Book Mail dispatches just for the holidays! See their contents and buy one now.


We Have 50(!) Copies of GEEKARELLA by Ashley Poston to Give Away!

We have 50 (!) Advance Reading Copies of Ashley Poston’s Geekerella to give away to 50 Riot readers.

Here’s what it’s about:

Cinderella goes to the con in this fandom-fueled twist on the classic fairy tale. Part romance, part love letter to nerd culture, and all totally adorbs, Geekerella is a fairy tale for anyone who believes in the magic of fandom.

Go here to enter for a chance to win, or just click the book’s cover image below!


Unusual Suspects

Noir Reading Recs, Upcoming Sequels, and More Mystery/Thrillers

I may not be surrounded by my usual piles of books—currently I’m surrounded by stacks of gifts, gift tags, and countless rolls of wrapping paper that refuse to stop rolling off the table—but I am still 100% about discussing books! So lets get to all the mystery, crime, and murders which I like to believe don’t get solved until we read them.

Norwegian Crime:

the-lions-mouth-by-anne-holtI discovered Anne Holt thanks to Rioter Leila Roy’s Queens of Crimes. I’m a big fan of Scandinavian crime novels/Nordic noir because they’re dark and morally complicated, so I had to read Holt. Her Hanne Wilhelmsen series (one of three) is now mostly translated to English. I was reading out of order since they were being translated out of order BUT if you haven’t read the series yet you’re in luck: The Lion’s Mouth (#4), Dead Joker (#5), No Echo (#6), and Beyond the Truth (#7) published in the U.S. this year so you can read the first eight novels in the series in order. If you’re a dabbler or don’t care about order, the novels 1222 and The Lion’s Mouth work as stand-alones.

So. Many. Twists.

kill-the-next-one-by-federico-axatI’m not going to say a lot about Federico Axat’s Kill the Next One because I was totally unprepared for all the sharp turns in the novel and I don’t want to take that awesome experience away from other readers. The novel starts with Ted, having been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, about to take his own life, except he’s interrupted by a stranger with a strange proposition who knows way too much about Ted. Ted complies with the stranger’s request and quickly realizes nothing is as it seems. And when I say nothing is at is seems, I mean nothing. You have no idea where this is going after the opening. Enjoy!

Megan Abbott has excellent taste! (Not that it was up for debate.)

follow-her-home-by-steph-chaAbbott listed her favorite thriller writers in By the Book and having never heard of Steph Cha, I knew I had to read her. In Follow Her Home, Juniper Song, a mid-twenties Korean-American with a fixation for Philip Marlowe, decides to help a close friend who fears his father is having an affair. Song may not actually be a PI but she has many similarities and I think would get listed with the best of the best—terrible smoking habit included. Song is broken from the past, dripping with sarcasm, relentless, and my new favorite main character in a noir series. Speaking of series, I need to go buy Beware Beware and Dead Soon Enough.

Sequels are coming!

a-murder-in-time-by-julie-mcelwainA Murder in Time (Kendra Donovan #1) by Julie McElwain: McElwain sprinkles a bit of accidental time travel to place modern day FBI agent Kendra Donovan in a British castle in 1815. Add a serial killer and Donovan’s continual forgetfulness/refusal to oblige with 1800s rules for women, and you have a great feminist mystery. The second in the series, A Twist in Time, is listed as coming April 2017!

a-front-page-affair-by-radha-vatsalA Front Page Affair (Kitty Weeks Mystery #1) by Radha Vatsal: This is perfect for readers who love a mystery but try to avoid graphic violence, especially towards women, and are historical fiction fans. Set in NY at the beginning of World War I, Capability “Kitty” Weeks finds herself trying to solve a murder that occurred during an event she’d attended while working as a reporter for the women’s fashion section of The Sentinel. While she is more than capable of not only solving the crime and being a newspaper reporter, she’s a woman in a time where women aren’t even allowed to vote. The second book in the series, Murder Between the Lines, is listed as coming May 2017!

Adaptation news:

Caleb Carr’s The Alienist began casting for the TNT adaptation.

HBO is done teasing us and finally released the official trailer for Big Little Lies.

Carl Hiaasen’s Basket Case may be coming to Fox.

The first issue has me excited for the series!

mega-princess-1-by-kelly-thompsonImagine having zero interest in being a princess because you’ve already decided you want to be a detective. Now imagine you have no say in things because you’re only ten. That’s what Max is dealing with in Mega Princess #1 by Kelly Thompson, Brianne Drouhard, M. Victoria Robado. Even after a visit from her fairy godmother, who mints her with some extra princess powers, Max is undeterred from becoming a detective. She even has a sarcastic horse sidekick!

If you’re planning a murder mystery party and are a fan of cutting:

These printable murder mystery photo booth props look awesome. They even seem like fun to wear while playing Clue.

Find yourself with less time than usual during the holiday season?

Read a great mystery short story published in The Atlantic: Reply to a Dead Man by Walter Mosley

Until next time, keep investigating! And in the meantime feel free to come talk books with me on Litsy, you can find me under Jamie Canaves.

We’re giving away a 12-month Audible membership. Go here to enter!

Win a Free Membership to Audible

We’re giving away a 12-month Audible membership. Go here to enter


Win $100 to Spend at Powell’s

For book lovers, one of the best parts of the holiday season is having a great excuse to spend time in bookstores. And, for my money at least, there is no better bookstore in the U.S. than Powell’s. Great selection of both used and new books, unrivaled book-related products, a great website for buying and browsing online: Powell’s has it all.

So we are thrilled to have a $100 Powell’s digital gift card  to give away to a Book Riot reader, thanks to our friends at Early Bird Books.

Go here to enter the giveaway, or just click on the image below:
