
Join Us For Read Harder Book Group This Week!

While some of our Read Harder Book Groups are taking December off for the holidays, there are still four of them meeting. Join us if you’re nearby; and for everyone else, we’ll hope to see you in January!

animated GIF of Betty White and friend clinking ridiculously enormous wine glases, with the caption

Chicago, IL – 12/15
NYC, NY – 12/17
Philadelphia, PA – 12/18
Washington, DC – 12/18

New Books

Great December New Releases!

While the last six weeks of the year are notoriously light on amazing new releases, there are still a few. So I have made you a list of notable books out this month. (Because I love you and I want you to read books and be happy!) And you can hear Rebecca and I discuss some of our favorite novels of 2016 on this week’s new episode of the All the Books! We talked about awesome books such as The Underground Railroad, Homegoing, and Sweetgirl.

mother-nile-book-coverThis week’s newsletter is sponsored by Mother Nile by Warren Adler.

A dazzling triumph from the NYT bestselling author of The War of the Roses – high-caliber historical fiction that plunges readers into a rich, dark world of sex, power, politics, drugs, and Egypt.

A sweeping and ambitious novel spanning across two eras and the city at the center of it all,

Mother Nile is the story of Si, the American-born son of an Irish father and Egyptian mother, who goes on a journey through the winding streets of the City of the Dead in Cairo to solve a half-century-old mystery. When his mother makes an urgent plea on her deathbed, Si knows that he must go to Egypt to uncover the truth about his long-lost half-sister, conceived during his mother’s affair with King Farouk.

Holiday deal alert! Get MOTHER NILE for $2.99 exclusively through Book Riot with this link.

whatever happenedWhatever Happened to Interracial Love?: Stories by Kathleen Collins

The Undoing Project: A Friendship that Changed Our Minds by Michael Lewis

The Ornatrix by Kate Howard

A Woman Looking at Men Looking at Women: Essays on Art, Sex, and the Mind by Siri Histvedt

Show Me a Mountain by Kerry Young

Other Minds: The Octopus, the Sea, and the Deep Origins of Consciousness by Peter Godfrey-Smith

kill the next oneKill the Next One by Federico Axat

Books for Living by Will Schwalbe

The Private Life of Mrs Sharma by Ratika Kapur

Island of the Mad by Laurie Sheck

Spies in Palestine: Love, Betrayal and the Heroic Life of Sarah Aaronsohn by James Srodes

Piano Tide by Kathleen Dean Moore

The Boy Who Escaped Paradise by J. M. Lee (Author), Chi-Young Kim Translator (Translator)

The Hot Topic: A Life-Changing Look at the Change of Life by Christa D’Souza

the twilight wifeThe Twilight Wife by A.J. Banner

Civilianized: A Young Veteran’s Memoir by Michael Anthony

Get Your Sh*t Together: How to Stop Worrying About What You Should Do So You Can Finish What You Need to Do and Start Doing What You Want to Do (A No F*cks Given Guide) by Sarah Knight

YAY, BOOKS! That’s it for me today. And if you want to learn more about books (and see lots of pictures of my cats, Millay and Steinbeck), or tell me about books you’re reading, you can find me on Twitter at MissLiberty, on Instagram at FranzenComesAlive, or Litsy under ‘Liberty’!

Stay rad!



Swords and Spaceships

Swords and Spaceships: December 16 2016

Hello nerdfriends and geek pals!

We’re giving away a 12-month Audible membership. Go here to enter.

Win a Free Membership to Audible


As promised, I’ve got gift suggestions galore. But so many of you were interested in last time’s link to the Guardian’s Best Of list for 2016 science fiction and fantasy that I decided to include a round-up of a few others! You’ll see some overlap, so here’s a TL;DR list of the most-repeated titles:

Infomocracy, Malka Older
All the Birds in the Sky, Charlie Jane Anders
The Devourers, Indra Das
The Obelisk Gate, NK Jemisin
Ninefox Gambit, Yoon Ha Lee
Death’s End, Cixin Liu
Too Like the Lightning, Ada Palmer

The lists themselves:

– Book Riot’s own Best Of 2016 is here and you can sort by genre.
The Washington Post‘s Nancy Hightower picked five.
Barnes & Noble’s list is delightfully long and includes a bonus 12 honorable mentions.
Omnivoracious picked eight. asked 11 contributors to pick three each.
Publishers Weekly picked six.

And now, onto my Gift Guide for Procrastinating Nerds.

Let’s Start With Books

Staff (and personal) favorite Lauren Beukes got stellar new covers for her mind-bending older books, Moxyland and Zoo City. Get both for the dedicated Beukes fan or either to introduce them to the wonders of her imagination!
Price range: less than $20 each

We are happily not short on geeky coloring books. Pick your fandom: Game of ThronesD&D’s Monsters and Heroes of the Realm; there’s a whole line of Harry Potter ones; the rabbit-hole goes on and on. For a nice pairing and starter-kit, add a set of Pop of Color pencils.
Price range: less than $20 each

For the nerd who has everything OR doesn’t know where to start, I recommend Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2016, edited by Karen Joy Fowler and including favorites Sofia Samatar, Kelly Link, Charlie Jane Anders, and Ted Chiang.
Price range: $20ish

For the nerd who loves art, you cannot do better than Shaun Tan’s beautiful and epic The Singing Bones (there’s a great review on
Price range: $20ish 

For the classics-inclined geek, these new Penguin Galaxy covers are drool-worthy. They’ve got a cornucopia of standards, including Dune, The Left Hand of Darkness, and The Once and Future King.
Price range: $20ish 

This book was all the rage when it came out in hardcover a couple years back (to the point where it was on backorder for actual months), but I bet we don’t all own Philip Pullman’s Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm AND WE SHOULD.
Price range: $20ish in paperback

If you’re looking to introduce someone to NK Jemisin’s work (or help out a completist), the Dreamblood Duology has a lovely new omnibus edition. (Bonus: we’re doing a giveaway of her Broken Earth books right now!)
Price range: $20ish 

What about a gift that keeps on giving? Here’s a genre-focused subscription box that’ll send a selection of themed books every other month!
Price range: $30+ per box

How about something for the armchair traveler and those looking for magic in our own world? Let me introduce you to Atlas Obscura.
Price range: $30+

For the Le Guin completist, while we’re all awaiting the illustrated Earthsea: have a beautiful boxed set of her short stories and novellas (which I can verify are well worth owning).
Price range: $50+

If the Penguin Galaxy covers appeal to you but are not quite fancy enough, The Folio Society has you covered (that illustrated Voyage of the Argo, though.)
Price range: $50+

Who doesn’t need a new Star Trek Encyclopedia, I ask you.
Price range: $100+

Now For Some Things Which Are Not Books

For the wickedest witch in your life: a Bellatrix enamel pin.
Price range: less than $20

For the gaming/Adventure Time enthusiast in your life: a BMO Light-Up journal.
Price range: $20ish 

For fans of The Martian: a “Science The Shit Out Of It” shirt!
Price range: $20ish

Beam us up, Scotty: an ugly sweater Star Trek-style!
Price range: $40ish

Listen, y’all, I own a cuddly Hulk from this seller and it is the best “late night lying in bed lurking on Tumblr” purchase I have ever made: get your own Nerd Plush.
Price range: $40+ 

For geek couture: I don’t know what to be more excited about from Elhoffer Designs, the Galactic vest and armwarmers or those Hogwarts sweaters.
Price range: $50+

For those strong in the Force: BB8 now has a Force Band!
Price range: $80 – $200

For the well-heeled gear-head: High-end gear gear.
Price range: $125+

But wait, there’s more! We’ve got a few Book Fetish posts that speak to your needs as well. For example, this one is entirely composed of Game of Thrones lingerie options. And for your comics-loving friends and relatives, a special edition.


Happy holidays, and may the shopping odds be ever in your favor!

The Goods

20% Sitewide

Give the book lovers on your holiday shopping list gifts that are 100% awesome, and get them for 20% off, ending today!

T-shirts, tote bags, socks, mugs, you name it! Plus, free shipping on all US orders of $40 or more. 


Need the perfect gift for someone on the Extra Nice list? The new Book Mail box is packed with books about books + a variety of rad bookish items. Get one before they’re gone.



This Week In Books

Amazon’s Best-Selling New Releases of 2016: This Week in Books

Amazon Reveals the Best-Selling New Releases of 2016

The machinery of and inherent biases in the publishing industry and the reading community are never more apparent than in the best-selling new releases list. The recipe for a best-seller is a big name + a hefty marketing budget + a white author. With only one author of color on the general list and zero on the kids/YA list (but plenty of Bill O’Reilly), it’s hard not to worry about the progress we are (or aren’t) making in combating complacency and institutionalized racism in reading.

Virginia School District Pulls Classics

Accomack County Schools in Virginia have pulled To Kill a Mockingbird and Huck Finn from their curriculum after a parent complaint about racial slurs used in the books. The parent’s biracial son told her he had a hard time getting past the slurs in his reading. I really wish parents used these moments as opportunities to discuss history, language, and context with their kids instead of insisting an entire school district be deprived of the opportunity to think critically about a text.

Upcoming Adaptation News

A few exciting adaptation bits of news for you! Elizabeth Banks has optioned Lindy West’s Shrill: Notes from a Loud Woman for a TV show. West’s memoir is hilarious and necessary, and I’d love to see it on any screen. Also, Hugh Jackman will have a role in Fox 2000’s upcoming adaptation of Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. Alexie himself is adapting the screenplay, which is always a vote of confidence in my book (see what I did there?).

Riot Rundown


We’re giving away a 12-month Audible membership.
Go here to enter.




Next up in our giveaways of some of our favorite 2016 books: The Fifth Season & The Obelisk Gate, the first two installments of N.K. Jemisin’s Broken Earth Trilogy.

The Obelisk Gate came out this year, but we didn’t want to start you in the middle of the series, so we’re giving three Book Riot readers both books in the series (the final installment, The Stone Sky, is coming out in late 2017).

Three winners will be drawn randomly from the entrants and will then be emailed for their physical mailing address. The giveaway is open to U.S. and Canada and entries will be accepted until December 17th at midnight eastern.

Ready? Go here to enter, or just click the image below:


Book Riot Live

Post-BRL Zine and BroadwayCon

Can it really be a month since Book Riot Live? If you’re feeling nostalgic, this year’s zine is assembled and ready for your perusal! Thank you to everyone who contributed — your skills with markers and washi tape are top-notch, and your notes brought joy to our hearts.

Book Riot Live 2016 zine cover, featuring the Zine Machine Box and the following text: Written by Attendees; zine box by Maria Cristina Garcia Lynch; edited and assembled by Jenn Northington

Can’t wait for your next con? Our friends at BroadwayCon have you covered (especially those of you who enjoyed our Bookish Broadway panel):

BroadwayCon logo

From January 27–29, 2017, join some of Broadway’s biggest fans, performers, and creators from classic and current shows as we gather at the incomparable Jacob K. Javits Convention Center to perform, discuss, debate, and celebrate theatre. BroadwayCon brings you through the stage door to be part of the excitement that happens onstage and behind-the-scenes.

Join Javier Muñoz, Lachanze, Josh Groban, Anthony Rapp, Cynthia Nixon, and many more as well as thousands of Broadway fans to celebrate the shows you love with the people who bring them to life. Register today!


Win a One-Year Audible Membership!

If you want to get more reading into your life in 2017, we’ve got a giveaway for you. We’re giving away a 12-month Audible membership that gives you one audiobook per month for a year (plus access to Audible’s occasional member-only sales).

To enter, give one of our newsletters a try (our Audiobooks! newsletter seems like a natural fit if you are interested in this giveaway) and you’ll be entered. One email address per entry, and the giveaway will close to entries on Dec 18th at midnight eastern. Giveaway is open wherever Audible is available, so check your country status with Audible.

We’ll draw a random winner and notify them by email, so make sure you use an email you actually check.

Go here to enter, or just click the image below:


The Goods 2

Book Mail to Whole Store List

The December Book Mail box has launched, and it’s going fast. This books-within-books bonanza is bound to delight you, and it makes a glorious gift for fellow booklovers.

The box contains two awesome books and an assortment of bookish goodies, plus exclusive original content from one of the authors! At $60 with free shipping, it’s a rad deal too. Get one now!


In the mood for a different flavor? There are just a few of our Best Books of 2016 boxes remaining, and we held on to some of our past Book Mail dispatches just for the holidays! See their contents and buy one now.