New Books

June New Books Megalist!!!

Happy Tuesday! As usual, the first Tuesday of the month has a ridiculously amazing list of new books out today, so I’ve made a special newsletter. And on this week’s episode of the All the Books! Rebecca and I talked about some great new releases, such as Last Call at the Nightshade Lounge, Homegoing, and Marrow Island.

As always, you can find a big list in the All the Books! show notes. And below I have made you a big list of notable releases – there are sooooo many! SO MUCH TO CHECK OUT.

the firemanThis week’s newsletter is sponsored by The Fireman by Joe Hill.

Dragonscale, a terrifying new plague is spreading like wildfire across the country, striking cities one by one. Highly contagious, the deadly spore marks its hosts with beautiful black and gold marks across their bodies—before causing them to burst into flames. Millions are infected; blazes erupt everywhere. There is no antidote.

Harper Grayson, a compassionate nurse, treated hundreds of infected patients before her hospital burned to the ground. Now she’s discovered the telltale gold-flecked marks on her skin, but Harper wants to live—at least until the fetus she is carrying comes to term. Convinced that his do-gooding wife has made him sick, Harper’s husband abandons her as their placid New England community collapses in terror.

super extra grandeSuper Extra Grande by Yoss (Author), David Frye (Translator)

Magruder’s Curiosity Cabinet by H.P. Wood

I Like You Just Fine When You’re Not Around by Ann Garvin

What We Become by Arturo Perez-Reverte

But What If We’re Wrong?: Thinking About the Present As If It Were the Past by Chuck Klosterman

Monsters: A Love Story by Liz Kay

Who Cooked Adam Smith’s Dinner?: A Story of Women and Economics by Katrine Marcal

A Green and Ancient Light by Frederic S. Durbin

ink and boneInk and Bone by Lisa Unger

The Many Selves of Katherine North by Emma Geen

Faerie by Eisha Marjara

The Edge of the Fall by Kate Williams

The Suicide Motor Club by Christopher Buehlman

Autumn Princess, Dragon Child: Book 2 in the Tale of Shikanoko by Lian Hearn

You Know Me Well by David Levithan and Nina LaCour

My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand and Brodi Ashton

One True Loves by Taylor Jenkins Reid

diane arbusDiane Arbus: Portrait of a Photographer by Arthur Lubow

Everybody Behaves Badly: The True Story Behind Hemingway’s Masterpiece The Sun Also Rises by Lesley Blume

Melville in Love: The Secret Life of Herman Melville and the Muse of Moby-Dick by Michael Shelden

Everything Explained That Is Explainable : On the Creation of the Encyclopaedia Britannica’s Celebrated Eleventh Edition, 1910-1911 by Denis Boyles

The Good Lieutenant by Whitney Terrell

American Girls by Alison Umminger

Never a Dull Moment: 1971–The Year That Rock Exploded by David Hepworth

the lynchingThe Lynching: The Epic Courtroom Battle That Brought Down the Klan by Laurence Leamer

End of Watch by Stephen King

Hogs Wild: Selected Reporting Pieces by Ian Frazier

Clinch by Martin Holmén and Henning Koch

They May Not Mean To, But They Do by Cathleen Schine

Among Strange Victims by Daniel Saldaña París (Author), Christina MacSweeney (Translator)

The Maximum Security Book Club: Reading Literature in a Men’s Prison by Mikita Brottman

I Almost Forgot About You by Terry McMillan

Being Jazz: My Life as a (Transgender) Teen by Jazz Jennings

baba dunjaBaba Dunja’s Last Love by Alina Bronsky (Author), Tim Mohr (Translator)

Lily and the Octopus by Steven Rowley

This Is Not My Beautiful Life by Victoria Fedden

Security by Gina Wohlsdorf

The Hatred of Poetry by Ben Lerner

The Girls in the Garden by Lisa Jewell

the seven good yearsThe Seven Good Years: A Memoir by Etgar Keret

Just One Damned Thing After Another: The Chronicles of St. Mary’s by Jodi Taylor

The Clasp by Sloane Crosley

Let Me Tell You: New Stories, Essays, and Other Writings by Shirley Jackson

Avenue of Mysteries by John Irving

Do No Harm: Stories of Life, Death, and Brain Surgery by Henry Marsh

The Daughters by Adrienne Celt

Kitchens of the Great Midwest by J. Ryan Stradal

YAY, BOOKS! That’s it for me. If you want to learn more about books (and see lots of pictures of my cats), or tell me about books you’re reading, you can find me on Twitter at MissLiberty, on Instagram at FranzenComesAlive, or Litsy under ‘Liberty’! (OMG I am OBSESSED with Litsy.)

Stay rad!


This Week In Books

The Most Well-Read Cities in America: This Week in Books

The summer book news slowdown is upon us, but there were still a few stories of note this week. Here we go.

Goodreads Gets a Makeover

Goodreads sure doesn’t seem to be taking summer Fridays off. After announcing a couple of weeks ago that they would be making a major push into ebook deals, Goodreads this week unveiled their redesigned user homepage. With larger book covers, more information about books available without having to click, and compiling updates into a single feed, the new Goodreads experience feels quite a bit more like Facebook, for good or ill. It seems to me that the focus has subtly shifted from your friends and followers to what they are reading and talking about.

Another Brick in the Wall for the Value of Books

There are have been quite a few studies that connect the presence of books in the home to kids’ educational and life achievement. A new study suggests that having even just 10 books around the house can predict significantly higher educational achievement–to the the tune of 21% more. Even controlling for other factors, this 10-book level seems to hold up (and its effects don’t scale to 50 or 100 books). As with all such studies, we can’t know if the books themselves or what they represent (parental interest in knowledge and education, availability of reading material at all) are the root cause.

The Most Well-Read Cities in the United States

Amazon released its annual rankings of the 20 most “well-read” cities in the United States last week. It is both a fascinating and dissatisfying ranking, as it doesn’t give any hard numbers and only uses Amazon activity as the measuring stick. As you might guess, Amazon’s hometown of Seattle comes out on top, and there are a few notable absences: New York City and Chicago among them. Are these the cities that are actually more well-read per capita? Or are they for whatever reason just disproportionately doing their book, newspaper, and magazine buying through Amazon?


Thanks this week to Penguin Random House and Room and Board for sponsoring This Week in Books.


Penguin Random House and Room & Board have partnered to offer one lucky book lover the prize of their dreams: modern furniture to create a reading nook and a library of books in their favorite genres to stock it! Enter here.

The Goods

Book Mail: Launching Next Week!

Book Riot’s very own books-and-bookish-goodies box is launching next week! Join the waiting list now to make sure you can get one while they’re hot — supply is limited!

Book Mail boxes are $60, with free US *and* international shipping. Each one has a secret theme and contains at least 2 books and a variety of bookish items with a total value exceeding $60. Don’t miss out!


What's Up in YA

Catch Up With YA News and Book Releases From the First Half of 2016 & More

YA fans!

Rook PaperbackThis week’s newsletter is sponsored by Rook.

History has a way of repeating itself. In the Sunken City that was once Paris, all who oppose the new revolution are being put to the blade. Except for those who disappear from their prison cells, a red-tipped rook feather left in their place. The mysterious Red Rook a savior of the innocent, and a criminal in the eyes of the government.

Meanwhile, across the sea in the Commonwealth, Sophia Bellamy’s arranged marriage to the wealthy René Hasard is the last chance to save her family from ruin. But when the search for the Red Rook comes straight to her doorstep, Sophia discovers that her fiancé is not all he seems. Which is only fair, because neither is she.

As the Red Rook grows bolder and the stakes grow ever higher, Sophia and René find themselves locked in a tantalizing game of cat and mouse.

Daring intrigue, delicious romance, and spine-tingling suspense fill the pages of this extraordinary tale from award-winning author Sharon Cameron.

As I’m sure you’re aware, we’re now 6 months deep into 2016. It’s not quite the halfway point yet, but it’s close enough that I feel comfortable pulling together a month-by-month of the biggest news in the YA world so far this year — as well as some of the things you may have missed that are worth a read. This won’t be comprehensive, of course, but it’s a means of catching up with some of the news you may want to remember, may want to forget, or may have missed the first time around.

At the end of each month, enjoy a special YA link to book lists or other great YAish stuff you should know about.


  • I definitely would have appreciated more stories about enthusiastic and consensual sexuality—especially female-driven sexuality—when I was a teenager. In my later teen years, I was able to fill that need through online fanfic communities. (I read countless Pride and Prejudice fanfic stories where the characters had all the sex that Austen left off the page.) Now, you can browse the Amazon Recommendations list or the Barnes & Noble YA section and find sex and sexuality addressed honestly and compassionately from a multiplicity of viewpoints.” — a really great read on sex and contemporary YA novels.
  • Obviously, I’m still thinking about YA big-screen adaptations and this piece about their evolution. The Fifth Wave hit theaters in January to very little fanfare.


Do you know about Rich in Color? This Tumblr collects and shares weekly lists of diverse YA reads hitting shelves. It’s a tremendous resource.



  • Angela Thomas, a debut author, sold her book based on the #BlackLivesMatter movement and it’s going to be big.  
  • The CCBC stats for diversity in children’s lit were released and . . . not enough has changed, to put it lightly.


Writer Nita Tyndall has a fantastic resource of LGBTQIA books in YA that aren’t about coming out. This is such a great list.



  • Nicole Brinkley, now a Book Riot contributor, wrote a lengthy, in-depth piece about sexism in YA with tons of additional resources included in it. Worthwhile reading.
  • YA funny writer Louise Rennison died. I’m still sad about this — I remember spending a week after finishing a semester of graduate school lying on my futon and reading the Georgia Nicholson books, laughing myself silly.  
  • And that’s what’s so cool about Rey, Katniss, and Supergirl: It’s impossible to ignore them. They are female protagonists in properties that boys are encouraged—expected, even—to watch. For the first time young boys are being asked to empathize with female leads the way girls have long been expected to empathize with male ones. After all, I may have loved Hermione, but I spent 3,000 plus pages inside Harry’s head.” An interesting piece about why boys need to see female heroines as much (or more than? I disagree with that statement) as girls do.


One thing I get asked all the time is how I keep track of new books. Obviously, I put together huge round-ups three months in advance, but that doesn’t mean I always remember what’s out or what’s coming soon. My secret is YA Lit. Click here. Marvel at their calendars. This is a killer resource.



  • Sex and YA fiction is a topic of never-ending interest to me, and this piece at Bitch Magazine with Sarah McCarry — one of our Book Riot contributors and author in her own right — talks about why sex in YA is important.


Get familiar with the We’re The People resource for this year. It’s a list of recommended reads for youth — including YA titles and adult cross-over titles — that are written by and/or feature people of color and/or Native Americans.



  • If you’re ready for a good laugh, YA author Nova Ren Suma began the infamous #BeetGate on Twitter.
  • YA author and Book Riot contributor Justina Ireland began #YAWithSoul as a way to add blackness into white YA titles. It’s amusing and also a great critique of the landscape of books.
  • We’re getting a YA edition of Dan Brown’s The DaVinci Code which . . . teens who want to read that book would pick up the actual version rather than the one that’s being dumbed down for them. So that’s interesting.


I believe I’ve plugged the Sync Audiobook program in more than one newsletter but it is worth another shout out: legitimate free audiobooks all summer long, including popular YA books. You download and keep them. Forever. Really.


Roll up your sleeves and enjoy your well-stocked collection of link reading. We’ll be back in two weeks with a look at June news, as well as a discussion of (hopefully!) the breakdown of YA and diversity so far in 2016. Because, friends, it’s time to talk.



Audiobooks!: June 2, 2016

Picture1This week’s Audiobooks! newsletter is sponsored by TryAudiobooks.comHave you ever taken a road trip with your family that seemed to go on forever? We all have! Audiobooks can solve that problem by providing entertainment for the whole family.  Visit for a free full download and start listening with the whole family on your next car ride.

Summer of Free Audiobooks

Hang onto your sun hats, because I love this and so will you! Now in its third year, SYNC is a summer program that gives away free topnotch audiobooks to teens. Each week, SYNC makes 2 titles available for download, with a total of 30 free audiobooks from May 5th – August 17th, 2016.

BookOfUnknownAmericansThis year’s free audiobooks include Book Riot favorites like Vivian Apple at the End of the World by Kate Coyle, The Book of Unknown Americans by Cristina Henríquez, Bone Gap by Laura Ruby, and Zac and Mia by A J. Betts. Hop on over to to get your free audiobooks!

Why We Love Jazz Jennings’s New Audiobook

BeingJazzThe amazing Jazz Jennings just debuted her memoir about her life as a transgender teen, and she’s also been named the new author ambassador for Read Proud Listen Proud, a fantastic site for kids and teens to find LGBTQ print and audiobooks and learn about awareness, acceptance, and celebrating people for who they are.

Rioter Jamie Canaves writes: “I can see why they chose her as ambassador: as the narrator of her audiobook her infectious personality, amazing outlook, brilliant mind, and all around awesomeness shone through.” Read on for more about why Jamie loves Read Proud Listen Proud and the audiobook Being Jazz: My Life as a (Transgender) Teen.

Audiobook Titles Have Quintupled Since 2011 (YEP, Quintupled)

APA Logo Black-ColorResults are in from the Audio Publishers Association’s annual survey! Last year’s audiobook sales totaled over $1.77 billion, which means audiobook sales grew more than 20% for two years in a row. But my favorite statistic is that the number of audiobook titles published last year has QUINTUPLED since 2011. Over 35,000 audiobook titles were published in 2015, compared to about 25,000 in 2014, and just 7,000 in 2011. From 7 to 35 thousand in just five years, you guys.

Public awareness and smart phones are apparently driving the increase — I know I’ve personally noticed more (and better!) audiobooks on the market in just the past few years, and this is a trend I am loving.

Audiobooks and Literacy Are Like Peas and Carrots, Proves Research

kidsaudioRaise your hand if you’re over the pearl-clutching about whether people who listen to audiobooks can actually comprehend and retain information. Now pat yourself on the back because new research released in April validates that listening to audiobooks is very beneficial for reading comprehension, vocabulary, and reading motivation.

The researchers studied second and third grade students in a San Francisco after-school program who listened to five 20-minute sessions of streaming audio each week, three of which were at school and two at home. These students made over half a year’s reading gains in just 10 weeks, putting them three months ahead of control students.  The study group also performed three times better than the control group in reading comprehension, seven times better in second-grade vocabulary, and nearly four times better in reading motivation.

Book Riot Live

Announcing Walter Mosley at Book Riot Live

Bestselling, Grammy Award-winning author Walter Mosley will be joining us at Book Riot Live! Best known for his Easy Rawlins series, Mosley has written more than 40 books across genres including mystery, science fiction, and memoir. We’re so excited to have him, we’re extending the early bird ticket discount till June 30. Get $40 off your tickets now and thank him in person on November 12 and 13!

Party Like a Book Nerd image featuring Walter Mosley, Charlie Jane Anders, and Valentine De Landro

This Week In Books

Unlimited Comics, Audiobooks Ascending and more in This Week in Books

Summer is upon us, but book news waits for no Hampton Jitney. Here’s what’s going on this week in books and reading:

Comixology Announces Unlimited Subscription Service

In the on-going quest to find a subscription service for books and reading that actually works, Comixology is throwing its hat into the ring with a $5.99/month all-the-digital-comics-you-can-read offering. The catch: no Marvel or DC titles, which together account for more than 66% of comics sales. It’s hard to imagine that either hard-core comics readers or casual fans will be interested in ponying up without titles for the big two. We shall see.

Writers Begin To Openly Oppose Donald Trump

More than 600 writers, including a fair number of heavy-hitters like Stephen King and Junot Diaz, signed an open letter to the American people outlining the case against Donald Trump for president. More than 22,000 people have signed onto the petition since it first went live.

J.K. Rowling Defends Trumps Right to Be Trump

In her remarks at the PEN American Literary Gala last week, Rowling defended Trump’s right to be, well, basically everything the signers of the aforementioned petition condemned. He was her example of an odious messenger and message that still must be protected in the name of free speech. It was a striking choice, especially considering that there are writers all over the world that are actually imprisoned and persecuted for their speech.

The Millennium Series Gets a Fifth Installment

Quercus announced this week that Lisbeth Salander will be returning for a fifth book in the Millennium series, with David Lagercrantz returning to write it. The Girl in the Spider’s Web sold well enough that the series seems to have enough interest to become one of the very few series that has continued after the creator’s death. No title yet, but the next book will be out in both the US and the UK in 2017.

Special thanks to Penguin Random House for sponsoring This Week in Books. Enter here for a chance to win a modern reading nook stocked with books (or just click the image below).


New Books

Long-Buried Secrets, Hilarious Second Chances, and More New Books!

The long weekend is over – luckily there are lots of wonderful books out today to help you cope. On this week’s episode of the All the Books! Rebecca and I talked about some great new releases, such as The Hour of Land, Before the Fall, and Modern Lovers. I have a few more great titles for you below, and as always, you can find a big list in the All the Books! show notes. Okay – let’s do this!

This week’s newsletter is sponsored by Penguin Random House and Room & Board, who have partnered to offer one lucky book lover the prize of their dreams: modern furniture to create a reading nook and a library of books in their favorite genres to stock it!


we're all damagedWe’re All Damaged by Matthew Norman

I am so excited for this book, because I am a HUGE fan of Domestic Violets, and I think Matthew Norman is one of the funniest writers out there. His new novel is the story of a man named Andy, who is flailing around in his life after his wife leaves him, he loses his job, and he relocates to NYC, where he leads a sad, drunken existence. A trip back home to visit his dying grandfather in Omaha puts a new path in front of him – but can Andy pull himself together enough to follow it? A funny and touching story about family and hopes and dreams.

Backlist bump: Domestic Violets by Matthew Norman

hot little handsHot Little Hands by Abigail Ulman

I love this collection! Nine connected stories comprise this smart, darkly funny book about contemporary young women. A Russian teen gymnast travels to America; two high schoolers go back to sleepaway camp; a young woman moves from London to San Francisco to start what she thinks will be her adult life; and more. Each story is about the impatient wish of these young women for their grown lives to start and the struggles they have dealing with that responsibility. Ulman’s writing is concise and heartbreaking.

Backlist bump: Blueprints for Building Better Girls by Elissa Schappell

juneJune by Miranda Beverly-Whittemore

Secrets and murder and blackmail, oh my! Young Cassie Danvers is mourning the loss of her grandmother, June, when she learns she is heir to the vast fortune of a film star. How did her grandmother cross paths with the famous actor? And why did he leave Cassie all his money? When Jack’s daughters come looking for answers, together with Cassie, they’ll slowly uncover what happened on a fateful day sixty years before. June is a perfect blend of mystery and family drama.

Backlist bump: Bittersweet by Miranda Beverly-Whittemore

YAY, BOOKS! That’s it for me. If you want to learn more about books (and see lots of pictures of my cats), or tell me about books you’re reading, you can find me on Twitter at MissLiberty, on Instagram at FranzenComesAlive, or Litsy under ‘Liberty’! (OMG I am OBSESSED with Litsy.)

Stay rad!


Book Riot Live

Meet Charlie Jane Anders and Valentine De Landro at Book Riot Live

That’s right: Valentine De Landro, co-creator of Bitch Planet, Charlie Jane Anders, editor-in-chief of, and poet and professor Patrick Phillips will be at Book Riot Live 2016, presented by Bookwitty! They’ll be joining speakers Ken Liu, Maria Dahvana Headley, and more to bring you two days of panels, games, discussions, and signings. Register by May 31 to get your discounted, VIP ticket.

author photo collage with Charlie Jane Anders Valentine De Landro and Patrick Phillips

The Goods

Tote + Water Bottle $25 Bundle

Head into summer in bookish style, and hit the beach with any tote + water bottle for $25! Just 2 days left to snag this deal.


Not sure where to start? Check out our gorgeous new One Hundred Years of Solitude bag!
